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Hey πŸ‘‹ I'm Dulitha, a seller trapped in an engineer's body. My journey began when I was 15, with writing a book, securing a family loan to self-publish, and using the proceeds to buy my first laptop. Talk about bootstrapping! I believe persuasion is an art form, and true artists master it. Currently, I'm building Aristotle, the ultimate sales follow-up tool that's lightning-fast, giving sellers more time to, well, sell. My career's been a wild ride: β€’ Started as a 16-year-old software engineer in retail (paid from the company's "incidental" budget πŸ˜‰) β€’ Developed the world's first Open Source MDM at WSO2, used by Softbank and Fortune 500 companies β€’ Transitioned to pre-sales, consulting for US and Australian firms β€’ Launched a micro-SaaS helping self-published authors become Amazon bestsellers (spoiler: it worked!) Then came the entrepreneurship rollercoaster: β€’ Scaled CabbageApps, a software dev firm, to 50 engineers working globally β€’ Launched multiple ventures: - Aristotle (Sales Automation AI) β†’ Venture-backed, early traction, chasing PMF - HyperGlade (Real World Assets to Web3) β†’ Similar story to Aristotle - AsyncInterviews (One-Way Video Interview Platform) β†’ Lifestyle micro-SaaS - Urban.lk (Sri Lankan E-commerce) β†’ Slowed post-2022 economic crisis - Alakazam (Marketing Automation) β†’ Failed (thanks, Facebook API changes!) - KDP Rocket β†’ Successful and exited Recently, I was an Entrepreneur in Residence at Hustlefund in San Francisco, where Aristotle was born. I'm a perpetual curiosity-follower. When not building or selling, you'll find me surfing, golfing, or rock climbing – my current obsessions in an ever-changing list of interests. Let's connect and chat about tech, startups, or the art of the perfect wave! πŸ„β€β™‚οΈπŸ’»πŸš€

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