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Marc Gasser

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Hej, I'm Marc Gasser - B2B software entrepreneur, lecturer and Innosuisse expert for Sales & Marketing Automation in B2B. With my M.Sc. in Business Informatics, I am dedicated to the mission of combining automation and the controversial field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help B2B companies grow - without high investments in time and resources. Thanks to my international experience (Sweden, South Korea, Slovenia), I bring a diverse perspective to my work. My passion for Hike & Fly and my professional work share significant similarities, mainly in terms of the required mindset. In both paragliding and the corporate world, adaptability, continuous learning and relearning, careful planning, effective decision-making and deep passion are essential. I see these parallels as an apt metaphor for the entrepreneurial journey. I started my entrepreneurial journey at the age of 16 and since then, I have advised numerous medium-sized and international B2B tech companies. My projects have ranged from HubSpot and Salesforce CRM integrations to holistic e-commerce solutions along the entire buyer journey. The focus of my work is always on prioritising the key strategies for automating sales and marketing activities to achieve the greatest possible output and generate a qualified, repetitive sales pipeline. Connect with me on LinkedIn and leave me a message with “MacGyver” if you're a fan of creative solutions. That way, I'll know you're from here.

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