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I’m a physicist turned data scientist, now a founder building The Runway Ventures — a weekly newsletter to help people learn from startup failures to become the top 1% founders. I spent the first 3 years of my career helping companies solve business problems as a data scientist. Meantime, I was also a corporate trainer, speaker, and writer in data science. Then, I spent the next 3 years building startups. 1 failed, 1 acquired. 🧗🏻 This is how I got here: • Got my degree in Physics from Nanyang Technological University. • Started as a data scientist at SME (Titansoft), then MNC (Micron) before joining a startup (Hackwagon). • Quit my job during COVID (wild timing), joined an incubator, found a co-founder, and built my 1st startup (Staq). Spent 1.5 years building Staq but we failed. Despite our mistakes, we learned a lot. • Was very lost after my 1st startup’s failure. Spent the next 2 months doing self-reflection and exploring my curiosity. • Started my 2nd startup building Leadgram at an influencer marketing agency (X10 Media). 8 months later, we got acquired by The Smart Local (TSL) Media Group. *** After 3 years of building startups, I'm convinced that mistakes are the best teachers to become a better founder. For any startup, there are many ways to succeed, but only a few ways to die. That’s why I started The Runway Ventures. Every Sunday, I analyse and share 1 failed startup story, 2 mistakes made, and 3 lessons learned with actionable tips to help you learn from startup failures. Real life case studies, with key takeaways you can apply in your business. No theories or BS. 99% of startups failed because founders made mistakes. You’ll learn why and how startups failed to become the top 1% founder. 🤝🏻 Join us here (it’s free!): www.therunway.ventures 🔗 FB: @admond1994 🔗 Twitter: @admond1994 🔗 Instagram: @admond1994

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