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Join my AI community to accelerate your learning and networking journey (ideal for data scientists/analysts, software engineers, product managers): https://nas.io/figuring-out-aishit TL;DR: I am a Data Scientist and have a deep interests in AI, Tech, Personal Finance and Music. --- Since I was about 19 years old, I have been working on Data Driven Technologies ranging from Business Intelligence and Machine Learning to Artificial Intelligence. I love to dig into problems and solve them with modern technology. I believe in the power of Data and Algorithms to transform and improve the lives of people around the world. I am a passionate learner and I love to regularly write about the stuff I learn everyday. I am an Inventor in a patent involving Data Matching using AI. I also am quite involved in Equity Investing. As a Data Scientist, my work involves solving complex data problems and presenting it to business users. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to be contributing to and leading excellent teams in wonderful organizations. I like to play Ukulele in my leisure and occasionally record and upload some pieces on YouTube - youtube.com/@aishitdharwal-music If you made it this far, let’s have a coffee, virtual or real. Feel free to drop a message if you feel I can contribute to you in any way! Not that it matters much, but here is my Topmate link if you need some help from me while buying me a coffee - https://topmate.io/aishit_dharwal I also host a podcast called Data to Production: youtube.com/@datatoproduction Email: [email protected]

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