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Arjan Schoorl's Linkedin Analytics

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Hello! I'm Arjan Schoorl. 👋 From a curious child growing up on a farm to becoming the youngest senior Google Ads Specialist in the Netherlands, my journey has been driven by: → Dedication → Autonomy → Analytical thinking → Passion → Attentive listening Starting my career at just 17, I've already collaborated with over 50 companies in four years. My first client? Still with me to this day! I'm on a mission to transparently and skillfully perform the best Google Ads work for businesses. Whether it's through sharing my knowledge on LinkedIn, providing resources, audits, or coaching, I'm committed to ensuring your business gets the attention it deserves. Outside of work, my roots on the farm have instilled in me a love for discovery and creativity. From playing with Lego to diving into web design and computer science, my passion for learning and problem-solving continues to drive me. This extends to my activities, like bouldering. Want to improve your Google Ads? Let's connect and grow together. Reach out to me 👉 [email protected]

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