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Erica Rankin's Linkedin Analytics

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➕ Follow for tips, tools, & inspiration to own your story & show up authentically online. 🎉 ENROLMENT NOW OPEN TO MY PERSONAL BRANDING COHORT 🎉 👋 I’m Erica, and here’s a quick backstory: I launched a protein cookie dough company in 2019 out of my car & apartment (Bro Dough). With zero experience. I took it nation-wide to over 200 stores. It failed. I filed bankruptcy in April 2024. Along that entire journey, I shared my story transparently online. Resulting in a community of nearly 300k people. Resulting in over 50 million impressions on LinkedIn. In my 5 years of entrepreneurship, I’ve been on a mission to live an authentic life. Now it’s my mission to help others step into the most authentic versions of themselves, too. Your story matters. And when you own it, and commit to sharing it, you'll get everything you've ever wanted. -Erica — Sign up to my Personal Branding Cohort: https://www.ericarankin.com/magnitude-method ➡️ Accepting newsletter & LinkedIn Sponsorships, email: [email protected] ➕ Follow me on all social platforms: @acceptingerica 🎙️ Tune into my weekly podcast You're Not a Bad Person

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