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Matic Jug's Linkedin Analytics

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Matic Jug

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As the Head of Growth at ICONOMI, I lead a diverse and talented team of growth marketing professionals who are passionate about scaling and optimizing all marketing channels. With over $5M in profitable ad spend under my belt, I have a proven track record of navigating the landscapes of Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok advertising, delivering impactful and scalable strategies that significantly improve the entire sales funnel. I have a degree in growth marketing from CXL Institute, where I learned how to use data-driven methods and cutting-edge tools to achieve growth objectives. I also have a deep knowledge of AI and its applications in marketing, which I leverage to spot trends, provide concrete ideas for improving conversions, and scale ad accounts profitably to +$10k ad spend per day. Some of the notable businesses I have helped grow include ICONOMI, HS Plus, Megasplet, and multiple advertising agencies. I'm not only adept at setting up and executing marketing campaigns but also at fostering talent and guiding my team to deliver high-performance results. I thrive in situations that require quick adaptation and action, and I'm committed to using my skills and expertise to add value to your organization and drive exponential growth. Let's connect and discuss how I can help you achieve your goals. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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