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Profile picture of Gustavo Almeida

Gustavo Almeida

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Hi, and welcome to my profile! Don’t know me yet? Let me help you a bit: Entrepreneurial and Social Work: • Co-founder and business development manager of "VOI", a social enterprise based in the UK that has a social mission of promoting social cohesion, conflict resolution and security in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. • At its core, VOI is based on an innovative, community-based methodology that was developed at the University of Cambridge and has been tested on the field with outstanding results in Guinea-Bissau with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and in Burkina Faso. • VOI is being currently incubated by Cambridge Social Ventures (cohort that started in October 2023). Professional: • Almost 8 years of work experience in the banking sector, split equally between: ◦ General Inspection of Société Générale (SG) Group in Paris, having audited and advised several banking activities (from retail, to car leasing, to corporate & investment banking, IT, Compliance, Procurement functions, etc.). ◦ Structured Solutions, Asset Finance and Leasing team of Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking in London. Cross-sector coverage: IT , Energy , Transport (Rail, Aircraft, Shipping) , Real Estate and Telecommunications sectors covered. Contributed to major improvements in the profitability of our transactions and business development of our portfolio of products and clients - further details on my CV. • International work experience in Paris, London, New York, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Casablanca, Warsaw, Prague and Frankfurt. Education: • Successfully passed the CFA Level I exam in December 2017. • Bachelor and Masters of Science in Economics from Nova School of Business and Economics in Portugal (ranked No. 24 in the 2022 Financial Times European Business Schools Ranking). • Fluent in 4 languages (Portuguese, English, French and Spanish). Personal: • Co-organized the 2nd edition of EY Entrepreneurship Competition, with over 5000€ in prizes for the start-up participants, in Lisbon, Portugal. • Co-founded a Debate Club at Nova University of Lisbon and was Head of External Relations and Partnerships. • Participation in the Model of European Union of 2014 in Strasbourg as Member of European Parliament (MEP). • +10 years Dancer of Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba, having participated in more than 50 festivals worldwide. • Swimming passionate, having trained and completed a 5,000 meters swim to fund Cancer Research in the UK.

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