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Amna Masood .

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Building stuff since 2008. I ❤️ all things about data, design and human interactions. Launched my first blog, grew it to 300k monthly visitors, leading to building a small team > moving on to e-commerce > flipping websites and scaling tech teams. This led to setting up a software company - Maven Logix where we have worked with startups, SMBs, corporate and development sector. As someone who likes connecting dots and thinking beyond the status quo, I see myself as a builder + nurturer, exploring uncharted possibilities. I bag a 1.5 decade of experimentation, experience & a killer team from assorted domains; UI/UX, design, development, product management, community building, marketing, sales and growth. More on ME!! 🧘‍♀️ With majors in economics and MS in Business Analytics, I like taking a data-driven approach for strategy, creative-making and execution. Things I talk about: 🏙️ Socio-economy 🦸 Building dream teams 🎨 Design 💨 Productivity 🔮 Inspired creativity Feel free to connect at: ✉️ [email protected] 🌐 www.mavenlogix.org [Agency] 📬 www.hatchpod.substack.com [Newsletter]

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