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Summer Applegate🍏's Linkedin Analytics

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Summer Applegate🍏

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Hire me if you are seeking an experienced relationship builder to help navigate strategic partnerships, foster collaboration and innovation, and empower you to make a difference, build meaningful connections, create impactful legacies, and drive positive change. I am passionate about mentorship, community engagement and impact. Leveraging my dual background in fashion design and engineering managment, I approach complex challenges and opportunities with a creative and strategic perspective. Skills and Expertise: - Strategic Partnership Development: I have extensive experience in cultivating and managing strategic partnerships with industry leaders, government entities, and universities. I excel at identifying collaborative opportunities that align with shared values and driving mutually beneficial relationships. - Program and Project Management: With a proven track record in program and project management, I am skilled in overseeing the successful execution of initiatives and ensuring timely delivery of results. I am adept at managing resources, coordinating stakeholders, and mitigating risks. - Relational Networking and Network Building: I offer valuable advice on building and nurturing professional networks. Through structured networking sessions, I facilitate connections and foster meaningful relationships that drive collaboration and innovation. - Knowledge Sharing and Legacy Stories: I believe in the power of sharing knowledge and experiences. I organize knowledge-sharing sessions and encourage the sharing of legacy stories to inspire and empower others in their respective fields. - Creative Problem-Solving: Drawing on my background in fashion design and engineering, I bring a unique and creative perspective to problem-solving. I think holistically and leverage data-driven insights to develop innovative solutions.

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