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LinkedIn Top Voice 2024 Harvard Business Review Advisory Council Member, Strategy Tools Best Partner Award 2023 for outstanding work in Corporate Strategy, Transformation, and Growth. Consecutive Annual Award Winner 2019 and 2020: Business Consultancy Professional of the Year from Corporate LiveWire. Executive Education Professor of the Year Award for 2021, 2022, and 2023 at CIMBA/University of IOWA. I am a Managing Partner at Thinking Dimensions, and an N.E.D. I work with boards, CEOs, private equity, family office, senior leaders and owners in Fortune 1000 businesses to impact future sustainable growth and profitability. As managing partner in Thinking Dimensions- an international management consultancy renowned for its problem solving & decision making processes- I am part of a global team delivering EBITDA impacting outcomes to clients through 3 distinct offerings: • Strategy Definition and Execution • Digital Transformation • Sustainable Value Creation Thinking Dimensions has locations and expertise with a network spanning 17 countries of which I have conducted business on 5 continents. With 30+ years of international experience in advisory activities balanced between both multinational and family controlled enterprises, I've had the unique opportunity to assist over 250 CEO’s and Senior Business Leaders across North/South America, EMEA, and APEC. Issues companies are focused around include: Digital Transformation AI Governance/Integration at Board/Management levels Internationalization including Early Stage and Mature Markets Value Creation through non-organic growth (M&A, platforms) Group and corporate reorganization/organization design Sales strategy development Business plans/Industrial plans Develop new business models Funding of New Market development and New commercial opportunities Executive and board alignment Platform and Ecosystem Design Long-Term Sustainability Circular Economy and the Business Decisions necessary for the future The organizations my teams and I work with achieve speed, alignment, and practical results with a future long term view. In summary I am working as a trusted advisor assisting leaders with the big decisions necessary for future success I continue to publish at: http://www.thinkingdimensions.com/resources/blog/strategy As a Non Executive Director, I bring an international perspective focused on new business models, innovative approaches to Strategy, and Diverse capabilities required for our sustainable future Specialties: Strategy, M&A, PE, Non-Organic Growth, Emerging Markets, Family Office

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