Notion and LinkedIn: Three ways Notion will save your LinkedIn strategy

Have you thought of using Notion for your personal brand? This will kickstart your growth.

Notion and LinkedIn: Three ways Notion will save your LinkedIn strategy
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Have you thought of using Notion for your personal brand? This will kickstart your growth.
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Notion and LinkedIn: Three ways Notion will save your LinkedIn strategy
You probably hear all the time how important it is to post valuable content consistently on LinkedIn.
But let’s be honest, you’re already up to your ears with work and your life.
So what you need is a system that will help you reach your goals.
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. James Clear
Building your personal brand on LinkedIn requires consistency. But what if you’ve run out of ideas? Worse still, what if you can’t keep track of your ideas?
We’ve got you covered!
Learn how Notion can help you:
  • keep track of your ideas so you don’t fall back to square one every time, and
  • keep you consistent and organised so you can move from an idea to a published post.

1. No more forgotten or misplaced bookmarks

Having a content library means you may need to gather inspiration from multiple sources online, which tends to result in having scattered web pages you don’t even remember.
Not an ideal situation.
With Notion, you can store all of your bookmarks in one place, where you can add images, sort them out and add notes so you always know what you’re looking out. This will save a great amount of time as you won’t have to sift through endless pages.
There are two ways to do this:
  • Copying and pasting your favourite links inside Notion
  • Using the Notion Web Clipper
Inside Notion, you can create a page for your content ideas and use the bookmark block to save your favourite pages.
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You can also organise your bookmarks by categories and set up multiple views for them. This way you’ll have all of your bookmarks regarding a specific topic gathered together.
There’s a lot you can do with bookmarks in Notion.
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Adding pages directly to Notion using Notion Web Clipper

With the Notion Web Clipper extension for Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers, you can save web pages directly to Notion.
Once you install the extension in your browser, visit your desired page and click on the Notion Web Clipper icon at the top, as shown in the image below, to save the page inside Notion.
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After saving the page, you’ll find the entire web page content inside Notion.
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2. Content calendars that keep you consistent and organised

Notion helps you solve one of the greatest problems you’ll face in your content strategy, consistency.
Creating a content calendar in Notion helps you set up a schedule and keeps you organized to stay on it.
Content doesn’t always come together in one piece. You may have an idea for content B while optimising your final draft for content A.
Using Notion, you can flip from one task to another and pick up where you left off. No more pressure of having to move from start to finish in one go when creating content.

Keep track of your progress

With Notion, you can monitor your content creation progress by creating status properties for each stage of your process.
For example, you can categorize your content as Ideas, Drafts, Ready to Post and Published.
This structure helps you visualise and understand your position in the pipeline for every piece of content you’re working on.
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Notion is flexible, so you can easily move things around.
When you’re ready to start working on “5 swipe files you must have in your archive”, you can drag it from the board view over to Draft.
After optimizing it for LinkedIn and it’s ready to go live, you can drag it from Draft to Ready to Post and finally to Posted.
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We recommend keeping a tab for published content because this will help you repurpose your LinkedIn content for other platforms too!
If you’re growing your LinkedIn profile, you’ll want to be able to revisit your previously published content four months down the line either for inspiration or repurposing for new followers. Your new followers may have missed out on what you published four months ago.
So, you may decide to expand your older posts into longer-form LinkedIn articles or revise them with a new perspective.
Or maybe you want to create a LinkedIn carousel with content that performed well in the past.

Never miss your schedule

With Notion’s reminder feature, you’ll be notified to post your content on time. No more missed deadlines.
→ First, set a date property in your content calendar to represent the date you plan to publish a particular content.
→ Then you can set a reminder so that you’ll get notified ahead of time.
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3. Ready-made productivity templates you can use

If you’re new to Notion, templates can help you get off the ground quickly.
There are tons of content calendar templates, bookmark templates, to-do list templates, etc., that can save you time and energy in case you’re not ready to build a solution for yourself yet.
Besides, there’s no point reinventing the wheel if you have a template that suits your needs to a large extent. Afterall, we want to make our lives easier, not harder, right?
To get started with a template, click on the Duplicate template button to add the template to your Notion workspace.
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If you have more than one workspace, you’ll have to select where the template should be added to. Once you’ve done that, the template will be added to your Notion workspace and you can use it as is or customise it to your taste.

Get started with Notion today

Now that you’ve seen how Notion can help you safeguard your favourite web pages for inspiration, and create a powerful content calendar that keeps you consistent and organised, the next step is to sign up and start your new journey of productivity.
If you find Notion overwhelming at first, don’t panic. There are lots of Notion tutorials to help you find your feet.
Notion has a comprehensive guide to help you get started ASAP. With time, you’ll find a model that suits your needs which you’ll be able to iterate and scale.

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Christina Miranda

SEO, content creator, and translator