Taplio vs Supergrow: Features, Pricing, and More

Taplio and Supergrow and both LinkedIn tools designed to get you more connections and boost engagement rates. But which one is the right fit for you or your business?

Taplio vs Supergrow: Features, Pricing, and More
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Can’t figure out if Taplio or Supergrow is the right tool to help you expand your LinkedIn network? We’ll compare their best features and pricing plans so you can pick the one that will make you and your brand LinkedIn celebrities.
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Taplio vs Supergrow: Features, Pricing, and More
Still wondering why your LinkedIn engagement has flatlined?
If you constantly get few to no likes, comments, or shares, it’s not your audience - it’s you.
Fear not. The right LinkedIn tool can save you! But you need the right tool by your side.
We’ll compare Taplio and Supergrow’s best features and pricing plans so you can pick one that will make your LinkedIn engagement soar.

LinkedIn Content Creation

Both tools make content creation easy for you with their AI-powered features.

Post Writing

Supergrow can write content in multiple styles so you can find the one that resonates with your connections.
In addition to writing new LinkedIn posts from scratch, Supergrow can repurpose web pages and YouTube videos into new posts.
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With Taplio, you can ensure you don't run out of engaging content to post on your profile.
Taplio can generate content that matches your brand voice based on your description and selected topics. Similar to Supergrow, you can provide Taplio with an idea, and it will write a new LinkedIn post for you.
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Once done, you can keep editing it with Taplio's AI writer, adjust the tone, include a CTA, write a hook, and more.
LinkedIn carousels are a great way to catch your audience's attention with interactive storytelling. So, how good are Supergrow and Taplio at creating carousels?
Supergrow helps you create visually appealing carousels with its ready-to-go templates. Also, you can have Supergrow turn generated posts into carousels for you.
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A possible downside is that other Supergrow subscribers can access the same templates, so your carousel might lack originality.
To avoid it, you should edit the carousels' design and add your business logo, LinkedIn profile picture, or handle.
Taplio can save you time by generating LinkedIn carousels based on news, blog posts, case studies, how-to guides, or YouTube videos. You can also provide Taplio with a topic, and it will create a carousel for you.
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Make your carousels stand out in LinkedIn's feed by changing the theme, adding or removing background elements, including your LinkedIn handle and profile picture, or changing the text's appearance.

Content Suggestion

Skip the brainstorming sessions and make sure you don't run out of new ideas to post on your LinkedIn profile.
Supergrow saves you time searching for new ideas by finding relevant posts based on the selected topic. However, these posts aren't necessarily "viral," and you can't filter them by engagement level or date.
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To find inspiration for your next viral post, Taplio can discover what's trending about whatever topic interests you.
You can find relevant posts by filtering by number of likes or publishing date. You can also include or exclude LinkedIn posts, carousels, and more.
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Content Management

Both tools help you maintain a constant presence on LinkedIn with content scheduling.
You can sync your posts with product launches, conferences, workshops, or other business events. This saves you time and effort and boosts your engagement rates.
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On Taplio, you can optimize LinkedIn content scheduling by checking the best time to post.
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Engagement Features

Contacts Lists

Cut through LinkedIn clutter, track what's important, and engage with your leads better.
With Supergrow, you can keep up with your connections' posts and comments by putting together a list of relevant contacts.
The only drawback is that you must manually add contacts to the list, which is time-consuming if you want to set up a lead database. However, you can add contacts that you haven't interacted with yet.
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Taplio also helps you create more network opportunities by putting together lists of relevant people.
Moreover, Taplio automatically lists people engaged with your content or sends you a DM. You can filter the list by engagement type and use Taplio's icebreaker generator to create a personalized message based on their profile.
Taplio helps you monitor your brand or business reputation by keeping track of LinkedIn mentions. This way, you can address misconceptions, clarify information, or quickly solve any issues your clients or prospects might have so you can maintain a professional and positive image on LinkedIn.
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Bulk DMs

Having a LinkedIn tool that can automate bulk DMs helps you scale your outreach efforts. Supergrow's AI features can't write and send DMs for you, so you have to write and send them yourself.
With Taplio, you can reach out to more prospects while saving time by sending bulk DMs. You can send up to 100 DMs daily, and Taplio will send one DM every 10 minutes. This way, LinkedIn will not flag your account for unsolicited or spammy messages.
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To improve reply rates, Taplio allows you to personalize each message with your recipient's name, company, job title, city, and more.
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CRM Features

LinkedIn accounts for 97% of a business's social media leads? So, how can you identify and reach out to high-quality leads on LinkedIn using Supergrow or Taplio?
Supergrow can help you identify potential leads among your LinkedIn connection through its engagement feature, but you'll have to qualify and segment the leads yourself.
Taplio helps connect with high-quality leads on LinkedIn through its 3M+ and growing lead database. You can find your next business partner or client by telling Taplio what you're looking for or by filtering the database by criteria such as country, industry, job level, topics, etc.
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LinkedIn Analytics

Identify trends and patterns in your content performance by reviewing your posts' analytics. Identify which posts start conversations, attract likes and comments, and drive shares so you can adjust your content strategy to engage your audience better.
Supergrow doesn't provide insight into your posts' performance, so you'll have to pay for an additional tool to find out which strategy works best for you.
Taplio shows you which of your posts has the most likes, replies, views, and comments.
Once you find out what works best for your audience, you can double down on it. You can also get insights into your LinkedIn profile by tracking the number of followers, engagements, profile views, impressions, and more.
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If you want to share your LinkedIn networking success, Taplio will create an eye-catching image showing your results.


We compared Supergrow and Taplio's features and how each tool can help you expand your LinkedIn network and boost engagement. But which one has the best value for money?
Supergrow pricing plans start at $19/month, and you get all the necessary features to simplify content creation and scheduling. However, AI can only generate 50K words per month, and you don't get access to the carousel generator tool. To get a higher limit of AI-generated words and access to its engagement features, you'd have to pay for Supergrow's Agency/Team plan, which costs $99/month.
Supergrow’s most sophisticated plan is Enterprise, prices at $500/month.
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You can test Supergrow through its 7-day free trial - no card required.
Taplio plans start at $39 per month, and you get access to advanced scheduling, +4M viral posts on every topic, content generation tools—including carousels—advanced analytics, and more.
Its most popular plan, Standard, helps you build relationships with your target audience and integrate your favorite CRM or outreach tools.
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You can try Taplio's plans through the 7-day free trial - no card required. Also, Taplio has a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Taplio vs Supergrow: Which One Should You Pick?

Supergrow is a good choice to simplify LinkedIn post creation and save time.
However, you still have to engage with your leads and nurture the connections manually. You also have to find and segment leads yourself.
Taplio has everything you need to maintain a constant presence on LinkedIn. You can generate, schedule, and optimize your content. To scale your LinkedIn outreach efforts, Taplio is the better choice. Its 3M+ database, bulk DMs, and contact lists help you identify and nurture high-quality leads.

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Razvan Mihaila

Written by

Razvan Mihaila

SEO Content Writer