These 5 LinkedIn Accounts Will Help You Grow 10x Faster
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These 5 LinkedIn Accounts Will Help You Grow 10x Faster 🚀
(A Bonus Tip To Get Trending Topics In Your Email FREE)
You've been using LinkedIn for a few years now or you're completely new to the space. The recent content creation boom has caught your eye - you want to grow on LinkedIn!
But there's a problem — nobody is reading your content. There’s minimum to zero engagement, and with no leads coming your way, you’re thinking of quitting this content creation game.
You’re thinking —
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This LinkedIn Thing Is So Hard
Why am I not growing? Why am I not getting leads? Why is nobody reading my posts?
Relax! You’re not doing anything wrong.
But you do need to know these 2 things —
  1. How to Write Good Posts Relevant To Your Target Audience (Visibility/Virality)
  1. Tactics To Gain Traction On Your Account (Follower Growth)
And there are 2 ways you can learn —
  1. Learn by your experience,
  1. Learn from other people’s experience
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In this blog, we're going to talk about 5 LinkedIn experts you should follow. These people have learned the LinkedIn content creation game through hard work, and now they're helping others grow.

Learn From Experts On LinkedIn: How Did I Find The Right Experts?

Now you might be following a lot of people on LinkedIn. And there are tons of accounts sharing advice on how to grow your brand! But there is one solid filter: most people don’t post valuable content that actually helps their audience.
I’ve spent 10+ hours reading LinkedIn content to save you the time & stress of finding valuable accounts.
Below I share 5 experts who share actionable content for LinkedIn Growth. I’ve also shared their area of expertise and the kind of content you can expect from them!
And there’s a small tip for you at the end through which you can get Trending Topics directly to your email, for FREE. Stay tuned for that!
For now …


1. Justin Welsh — The Content Businessman

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Areas of Expertise: Systemizing Content Creation, Building An Audience Online, Investing
This dude, whoosh. He’s done 10 +years in the corporate sector helping companies do multi-million dollars in revenue. Now he helps creators conquer the creator ecosystem.
He is also an angel investor in half a dozen companies.
The man has built a 6 figure content creation business in under 2 years by creating an empire around products, newsletter promotion, and consulting.

👇 Checkout his recent valuable posts

  1. 14 tips to grow a small LinkedIn account
  1. The 5-step writing process for writing on social media
  1. How would he start LinkedIn If he had to do it all over again?
<aside> 💡 Why follow Justin? Because he’s a straight shooter. He shares insights on solo-preneurship, LinkedIn writing insights, and mindset tips. His posts will help you write better and inspire you with new content ideas!
Follow Justin here

2. Matt Baker — The Experienced Ghostwriter

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Areas Of Expertise: Ghostwriting, Content Creation, Marketing
Matt is an expert ghostwriter. His marketing expertise is validated by 10+ years of experience in the corporate world. He gives solid actionable tips on writing and planning LinkedIn content.
And he’s huge soccer and Harry Potter fan!

👇 Checkout his recent valuable posts

  1. 5 top hooks that worked for Matt (steal them)
  1. Insights into how the LinkedIn algorithm works
  1. Free LinkedIn Hook Templates (if you don’t know what hooks are you need to follow him)
<aside> 💡 Why follow Matt? Only if you want to write better LinkedIn posts, gain traction, and generate more leads with your content. Otherwise, it’s a no.
Follow Matt here

3. Mona Gantara — The Young Gun

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Areas Of Expertise: Optimizing LinkedIn Growth, Copywriting, Personal Branding
Mona is a LinkedIn Personal Branding Strategist. But she’s no normal young adult. She has grown her LinkedIn account grow from 0 to 30K in 12 months!
She’s also a Personal Branding Strategist at Seneca (A personal branding agency)
Other than LinkedIn Personal Branding, she also talks about mental health and kindness.

👇Checkout her recent valuable posts

  1. What Helped Her Grow To 30K in 12 months?
  1. 15 Tips For Writing Better Posts
  1. Simple Structure For All Your LinkedIn Posts
<aside> 💡 Why follow Mona? Because she’s an empathetic personal branding strategist. She shares personal branding tips that nobody else is sharing. MAD value — for free!
Follow Mona here

4. Shay Rowbottom — The LinkedIn Video Coach

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Area Of Expertise: LinkedIn Marketing, Video Coaching, Marketing Using Videos
  • ***Your LinkedIn content doesn’t have to be limited to writing. Shay grew her LinkedIn following to 780,000+ by hustling videos. Now she teaches others how to create videos on LinkedIn.
Most of the value is shared on her LinkedIn Page Shay Robowtton Marketing (follow this)
Many LinkedIn influencers like Krusha (LinkedIn's top voice and part of the LinkedIn Creator Accelerator Program) share a video every Friday. Gary Vee shares videos too. And if you enjoy talking to the camera more than writing on an empty Google Doc, why not share videos?
Shay also shares vulnerable stories from her life.

👇 Checkout her recent valuable posts

  1. How Videos Help You Be Known & Recognized On LinkedIn
  1. Should You Create Controversial Content On LinkedIn? Yes And No. Find The Reason Here.
  1. Should You Limit Your Content To Your Niche? Not Necessary. Here’s Why.
<aside> 💡 Why follow Shay? Shay is the Gary Vee of LinkedIn Video Content! She’ll help you boom your LinkedIn growth with video content (given you are not afraid of the camera).
Follow Shay here and her marketing page here

5**. Jason Squires — The Social Seller**

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Area Of Expertise: Lead Generation On LinkedIn, Social Selling
Let’s be honest here. You’re reading this post because you want to grow LinkedIn but … you also want to get business. Nobody is posting on LinkedIn for the sake of it. You’re looking for coaching clients, customers, or someone who’ll just buy your free Gumroad course …
Who will help you with the selling part of LinkedIn?
He’s been helping people with social selling for 10 years.
He shares actionable posts which will help you get more clients & fulfill your business pipeline.

👇 Checkout his recent valuable posts

  1. 3 Parts of a LinkedIn Post and How To Boost The Post’s Reach
  1. 4 Simple Steps To Get Inbound Leads On LinkedIn
  1. How To Stay Consistent On LinkedIn?
<aside> 💡 Why follow Jason? Jason will help you sell yourself to your potential customers. Follow him for social selling tips, LinkedIn writing & engagement tips.
Follow Jason here

— Get A Chance To Be Featured On LinkedIn News
In Sep 2021 LinkedIn decided to launch the LinkedIn Creators Accelerator Program in the USA.
It’s a 6-week incubator where LinkedIn pays creators to make content. It’s hard to get into this program, but there’s an alternative — Linkedin Creator Management Program.
Through this program, you can get LinkedIn trending topics straight from LinkedIn’s office! And you can also be featured on LinkedIn’s News Pages (and get thousands of eyes on your profile).
But how does one get into the Creator Management Program?

Step 1: Turn On Creators Mode RIGHT NOW

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The Creator Mode Option
Go to your profile —> View your profile —> Scroll down to “Resources” —> Click on Creator Mode —> Turn on the Creator Mode
Didn’t get it? Use this guide

Step 2: Sign up for LinkedIn Creator Management Program

Fill out this form. Don’t forget to check the last two boxes in the form.
  • *Notice: LinkedIn doesn’t accept everyone in the program. A good rule of thumb is: if you’ve not posted anything in the last week, don’t apply. Start posting content and gain some traction first. Interact with the community. Apply for the program after you’ve started creating content.
Sometimes LinkedIn Creator Managers will approach YOU to become part of the Creator Management Program. This usually happens after you’ve had a viral post (that’s how it happened to me)

What will you get inside the Creator Management Program?
Here’s everything
— An email every week telling you about the week’s trending topics.
— Inside it, a ‘Best Practice of the week'
— A bunch of trending & LinkedIn news topics
— Chance to be featured on the LinkedIn news page
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— And you will also get invited to LinkedIn’s Creator Days! (an invite-only event)
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If you got value from this article, please share it with your LinkedIn friends because when you only grow when you help others grow.

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Written by


Co-founder @ Taplio

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