14 Top LinkedIn Influencers to Follow

A complete list of the best Linkedin influencers you can follow that post original, entertaining and creative content.

14 Top LinkedIn Influencers to Follow

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A complete list of the best Linkedin influencers you can follow that post original, entertaining and creative content.
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14 Top LinkedIn Influencers to Follow
Skip the irrelevant content on LinkedIn.
Grow your network and engage with like-minded professionals by following legit LinkedIn influencers.
Stay up-to-date on industry trends, gain valuable career insights, and learn from successful professionals.
But which accounts should you follow?
We’re going to list the top 14 LinkedIn influencers to follow — who post original, entertaining, and creative content.

What Even is a “LinkedIn Influencer”?

LinkedIn influencers are people who have built an audience on LinkedIn by consistently posting high-quality, fresh, original content.
Keyword: “Fresh Original Content”
Because just repurposing your social media content onto LinkedIn doesn’t make you a LinkedIn influencer…
Real LinkedIn influencers post unique, thought-leadership content that drives business results.

The Benefits of Using LinkedIn Influencers in Your B2B Marketing Strategy

B2B marketing is light-years behind…
Only 19% of B2B brands are using influencer marketing
Only 19% of B2B brands are using influencer marketing
In 2022 — Forbes reported that only 19% of B2B brands are running ongoing influencer marketing programs.
You would think that’s because B2B influencer marketing doesn’t work, right? Wrong. Another recent study showed that B2B brands could see an 11X ROI with influencer marketing.

This is great news for you! Why?

Because that means there’s a lot of underpriced attention you could be taking advantage of with B2B influencer marketing.
Here are the 14 top LinkedIn influencers to follow (and maybe even work with):

14 Top Influencers on LinkedIn to Follow in 2023:

  • #1 - Luke Matthews
  • #2 - Jason Vana
  • #3 - Matt Barker
  • #4 - Jake Ward
  • #5 - Aidan Brannigan
  • #6 - Jane Kisnica
  • #7 - Nausheen I. Chen
  • #8 - Walter Gainer II
  • #9 - Irit Levi
  • #10 - Ding Zheng
  • #11 - Margi Marchetti
  • #12 - Michael Roberts
  • #13 - Kelsey Kovich
  • #14 - Jerry Jose

1 - Luke Matthews

LinkedIn Ghostwriting • Copywriting • Social Media Marketing

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Luke’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn IS my business. I started posting content in early 2020 — and have since gained 67,864+ followers and built a thriving LinkedIn ghostwriting business. Here are my top tips to grow on LinkedIn: Post selfies to grab attention, write scroll-stopping hooks(Taplio makes this 100x easier), and most importantly — spend 95% of your time engaging with active content creators. That’s the exact formula I used to grow to 67k followers.
✅ 149,525+ Followers
✅ Funny + Educational Content
✅ Part-Time Wizard w/ Beautiful Beard

2 - Jason Vana

Brand Strategy • Content Marketing • Digital Marketing

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Jason’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is why my company exists… I had no plans to launch my own business — but once I started posting on LinkedIn, I would get endless DMs from business owners and CEOs asking for help with their brand and content. Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Focus your content on one main topic. People need to see a similar message 7-20 times before it cements in their brains. You may not get a lot of likes — but you’ll generate a lot of leads.
✅ 74,552+ Followers
✅ Actionable Brand & Content Advice
✅ Top 200 LinkedIn Creator

3 - Matt Barker

LinkedIn Ghostwriting • Copywriting • Content Marketing

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Matt’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn helped me grow my business from $0 in January 2022 — to $50k+ yearly revenue. Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Show up every single day. Simply showing up on LinkedIn will open up a wealth of opportunities. Taplio made showing up on LinkedIn very, very easy — because it makes creating high-quality content take a fraction of the time.
✅ 141,116+ Followers
✅ High-Quality, Bite-Sized LinkedIn Tips
✅ Content Marketing Advice

4 - Jake Ward

Content Marketing • SEO • Digital Marketing

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Jake’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

After using LinkedIn for just 7 weeks — I’ve generated 1.5M+ views, 11K+ followers, and 40+ leads.
I’ve learned the best way to create amazing LinkedIn content is to study other people’s posts.
Taplio is a lifesaver for this. I use Taplio to schedule all of my posts, find viral posts in my niche and analyze my LinkedIn stats to best optimize for growth.
✅ 11,553+ Followers
✅ Actionable, Educational Content
✅ In-Depth Content Marketing Case Studies

5 - Aidan Brannigan

Ghostwriting • Content Strategy • Digital Marketing

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Aidan’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

Before LinkedIn — I was just a college kid with a bunch of BS to say… So I started saying it on LinkedIn!
After 4 months of daily posting, I carved out a decent following and now I make $1,000,000,000 per month.
If you’d also like to make billions from LinkedIn, here’s my #1 tip: Don’t be a sellout. Don’t say the same BS everyone else says. Say your own BS — and find your own, unique voice.
✅ 17,020+ Followers
✅ Hilarious, Sarcastic Content
✅ Fresh, Unique Perspectives

6 - Jane Kisnica

Graphic Design • Mental Health • Branding

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Jane’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn completely changed my life… In just 10 months — I’ve gained 11k followers, been invited on 7 podcasts, and built a very lucrative design business(100% from organic LinkedIn content).
Here’s my #1 tip for growing on LinkedIn: Engage with other creators.
Find smaller creators with 1k-10k followers and become active members in their community.
✅ 36,509+ Followers
✅ Design & Branding Tips
✅ Inspirational Storytelling

7 - Nausheen I. Chen

Leadership • Public Speaking • Storytelling

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Nausheen’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn has been instrumental not only in my business but also in figuring out my specialization.
Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Engage. Engage. Engage.
During my first few months on LinkedIn — I barely engaged. So my content wasn’t getting much traction.
But once I started engaging, I got picked up by the algorithm and rapidly grew my following and community.
✅ 60,836+ Followers
✅ Actionable Leadership Advice
✅ Bite-Sized Public Speaking Tips

8 - Walter Gainer II

Podcast Strategy • Diversity & Inclusion • Content Marketing

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Walter’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is my primary social media platform for publishing content because of the impact it’s had on my business.
It took time to see results — but by telling my story on LinkedIn, I’ve built a strong reputation in my space.
Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Don’t chase likes. Just focus on creating valuable content that helps your ideal audience, and the likes, comments, and leads will start flowing in organically.
✅ 4,212+ Followers
✅ Effective B2B Podcasting Advice
✅ Easy to Understand Content Creation Tips

9 - Irit Levi

Workflow Optimization • Automation • Process Improvement

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Irit’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

My entire business was built on LinkedIn. I simply gave my knowledge away for free — and the clients started pouring in.
Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Show up consistently. Not just by posting, but also by leaving thoughtful comments.
People will get used to seeing your name, and when they need your services, you’ll be the first person they think of.
✅ 15,047+ Followers
✅ Easy to Understand Workflow Tips
✅ Tips to Save Time With Automation

10 - Ding Zheng

Sales • Digital Marketing • Demand Generation

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Ding’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn allowed me to transition from a full-time account executive to an entrepreneur and agency owner.
Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Play the long game and build a community of folks that make the grind easier.
Taplio has been essential in doing this. Taplio makes it easy to batch-create high-quality content. So I’m consistently showing up on LinkedIn.
✅ 11,582+ Followers
✅ Hilarious, Addicting Video Content
✅ Bite-Sized Content Marketing Tips

11 - Margi Marchetti

LGBTQ+ • Mental Health • Equal Representation

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Margi’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

I started posting on LinkedIn to position myself as an expert and advocate in the mental health/LGBTQ+ space.
Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Engage. Engage. Engage. You’ll want to leave meaningful comments under other popular creators’ posts consistently.
This way you’ll connect with more like-minded people and be recognized as an active member of their communities.
✅ 6,612+ Followers
✅ Educational LGBTQ+/Mental Health Content
✅ Insightful, Authentic Storytelling

12 - Michael Roberts

Email Marketing • Demand Generation • B2B Marketing

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Michael’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

Linkedin has been the source of 80% of all potential work I've sent proposals for.
Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Be consistent. Consistency is the biggest hurdle when you first start. But once you’re posting consistently, you’re able to look at what is and isn’t working… Allowing you to double down on what IS working — and cut out what ISN’T working.
✅ 10,410+ Followers
✅ In-Depth, Actionable Demand Generation Advice
✅ Tips to Improve Email Marketing ROI

13 - Kelsey Kovich

DR Copywriting • Email Marketing • Digital Marketing

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Kelsey’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is my #1 source for acquiring new customers. It helps potential clients get a taste of my personality before we even meet.
Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Focus on building a community first — and content second.
Why? Because you can produce the BEST content the world has ever seen, but if no one sees it, it doesn’t matter how great your content is.
✅ 2,581+ Followers
✅ Effective Email Marketing Tips
✅ Actionable Direct-Response Copywriting Advice

#14 - Jerry Jose

Social Media Strategy • Digital Marketing • Personal Branding

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Jerry’s Advice to Grow Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn has helped me establish my social media marketing authority and expertise.
Here’s my #1 tip to grow on LinkedIn: Constantly interact with others. Interacting with others in comment sections, DMs, and audio events is one of the best ways to build a great network on LinkedIn.
✅ 33,195+ Followers
✅ Actionable Personal Branding Advice
✅ Bite-Sized LinkedIn Growth Tips

Why Do These LinkedIn Influencers Swear By It?

“What should I post?”
The hardest part of building your LinkedIn personal brand is posting fresh, original, high-quality content…It’s intimidating.
You want to say something — but what exactly?
Here’s how Taplio solves this:
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Taplio spoon-feeds endless viral content from your niche. This way, you’ll have endless content inspiration. So you’ll never feel stressed trying to come up with last-minute post ideas.
✅ Instantly Find Viral Posts for Inspiration
✅ Grow Faster by Optimizing Your Content With AI
✅ Never Run Out of Content Ideas Again

Wrapping It Up!

Whether learning new marketing strategies or gaining leadership advice, LinkedIn influencers can provide insightful resources to help you navigate your professional path. Didn’t find a LinkedIn influencer that matches your style?
Take a look at Taplio’s top 100 Best LinkedIn influencers, or find influencers by searching the topic that interests you.

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👉 Try Taplio for free!
Luke Matthews

Written by

Luke Matthews

LinkedIn expert & writer @Taplio