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Abhi B.

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Over the last 11 years, I have worked with over 100+ companies, which include early-stage startups, growth-stage SMBs and even Fortune 500 organizations. I’m extremely good at identifying content gaps, hacking user motivation, and weaving business outcomes with technical & design implementation. During my career span, I have worked as a Growth Hacker, Digital Marketer, Content Writer, Copywriter, Blogger, Technical Writer, Social Media Strategist, SEO Expert, Journalist, HTML/CSS Designer, and iOS/Android/Java Developer for numerous startups and businesses. The wide array of cross-functional experience allows me to create content strategies that not only drive growth but also understand business requirements and weave a consistent brand experience. I'm currently working full-time to scale up my startup (www.smartify.in), which is currently the #1 ranked home automation/smart home store in India. That being said, I'm open to any marketing/growth-hacking consulting opportunities on a freelance basis. To know more about me, please visit: http://abhibavishi.com or drop an email to: [email protected].

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