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Dennis W.

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Fanatical in working out and reading a book with a chamomile tea and a scented candle. My day usually starts with a CrossFit style workout, a cold shower and a 10-minute meditation session. After that, I dive into working on my agency D-DOUBLEU MEDIA. We help eCommerce & DTC businesses scale through platforms like Facebook, Google & TikTok using highly targeted ads. On the side we also help our clients with a myriad of other things like email marketing and website optimisations. If that sounds too boring for you, let me illustrate what we've done for one of our long-term eCommerce clothing clients. In May of 2020, they stared at around a £23,000 a month mark in revenue. 7 months later in December of 2020, we scaled them up to £180,000 in monthly revenue. Almost an 800% increase in sales! It didn't stop there, we continued to have 6-figure months for them going into 2021. November 2021 was another great month hitting £181,000 in revenue. No gimmicks, no chatbots, no little tricks, just a great product with highly targeted ads and focus on what moves the needle forward by scaling the brand through paid advertising. If you own an eCommerce brand in the DTC space, I'd love to help you do just that and give some free tips on how to make sure you never run any unprofitable ads ever again, even in today's turbulent climate. Send me a DM, or check our website below where you can download a free guide on 11 Lethal Ways To Increase Ad Performance In 2022: https://www.d-doubleumedia.com/free-guide-fb In this free guide, I'll show you the truth about how to get to Facebook’s magical pot of gold to unlock hyper active buyers in 30 days or less.

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