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Srinivas Kumar

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I delve deep into AI & Digital Marketing to bring you insightful, research-backed content. My mission: share valuable knowledge from my own discoveries. Fascinated by AI in art? My course is the most comprehensive beginner-level guide available online, covering both creative and practical aspects. Link: www.courses.srinivaskumar.com Embarking on a startup journey? Gain clear direction with my startup template e-book from my 15 years of experience in this field: https://aicertifiedtrainer.gumroad.com/l/startupsstrategytemplate Visit my blog for in-depth insights and strategies in AI & Digital Marketing: www.srinivaskumar.com Stay updated with my newsletter, featuring the latest trends and tips- 2 to 3 times in a week. https://ai-spotlight.beehiiv.com/subscribe Follow for well-researched, everyday insights in AI & Digital Marketing. Let’s explore the transformative power of AI & Digital Marketing together.

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