Building Valuable Connections: Network on LinkedIn Like a Pro

In today’s digital business environment, there are no better networking platforms than LinkedIn.

Building Valuable Connections: Network on LinkedIn Like a Pro
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Networking on LinkedIn: Expand Your Connections and Visibility. Expert Tips Inside.
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Building Valuable Connections: Network on LinkedIn Like a Pro
People use LinkedIn to catch up on industry news, interact with their peers, follow the activity of noticeable people and brands, establish themselves as industry experts, and everything in between.
However, networking on LinkedIn can seem daunting. After all, not everyone feels comfortable reaching out to people on social media. But we’re here to help.
In this article, we show you how to network on LinkedIn to expand your professional connections and strengthen your profile’s visibility on the social media platform. Read on to find out more.
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Optimizing your LinkedIn profile for speedy and efficient networking

Destiny Martinez uses her background photo and headline to showcase her expertise.
Destiny Martinez uses her background photo and headline to showcase her expertise.
LinkedIn users generally interact with people who share similar interests.
As a result, you should make it easy for people to understand what you specialize in from the get-go.
Here’s how you do it:
  • Leverage the headline field Your headline should be more than a simple job title. The headline field is prime real estate you can use to explain what you do, what you focus on, and why people should interact with you.
  • Tell your story Your profile’s About section helps you showcase your mission and your expertise. While this section is limited to 2,600 characters, it gives you the opportunity to share more details about your work and specialization.
  • Choose the right picture Use a photo that gives people an accurate idea of what you look like. This means that you should use a photo that focuses on your face and not your surroundings. Consider using a high-resolution image that has a neutral background and frame it so your face fills around 60% of the available space.
  • Add a background photo: Your background image can help people understand what you do. The right background image can showcase your expertise and make your profile stand out.
Find the best practices for your Linkedin Profile. Also, tap into more LinkedIn opportunities, with our LinkedIn resources and our LinkedIn blog.

LinkedIn Networking 101 - How to connect with industry peers

Now that your profile is optimized for new connections, let’s dive deeper into how to reach out to people. Here are some of the most popular approaches.

1. Join industry groups

Joining industry groups is a great first step when starting your networking journey because it helps you get in touch with other people who operate in your industry and see what type of content they’re looking for and how they interact with one another.
But joining a group is not enough. You should become an active participant, sharing your own posts and interacting with the posts of others. Even though this would normally take a lot of your time, Taplio’s AI helps you schedule a week’s worth of LinkedIn posts in minutes.
There are thousands of industry-specific groups on LinkedIn. For example, there are about 21,000 groups that talk about digital marketing, many of them with over 300,000 participants.
There are thousands of industry-specific groups on LinkedIn. For example, there are about 21,000 groups that talk about digital marketing, many of them with over 300,000 participants.

2. Follow and interact with influential profiles in your industry

Interacting with influential profiles in your industry gives you the opportunity to connect with individuals who share similar interests.
In this example, one of the users who commented on Gary Vaynerchuk’s post received seven replies from other users, which allowed him to establish a connection with them. Taplio’s Lookup feature enables you to get updated stats on LinkedIn influencers and content creators so you can find the best profiles to follow in your industry.
Those who interact with influential profiles often receive replies, allowing them to connect with like-minded people.
Those who interact with influential profiles often receive replies, allowing them to connect with like-minded people.

3. Attend industry events

Attending industry-specific events enables you to connect with LinkedIn users who share similar interests. LinkedIn event pages often allow users to share posts and comment on what other people post, so you can share your expertise and interact with other people.
There are hundreds of industry-specific events happening on LinkedIn. For example, there are about 692 events on digital marketing, many of them with hundreds of attendees.
There are hundreds of industry-specific events happening on LinkedIn. For example, there are about 692 events on digital marketing, many of them with hundreds of attendees.

Networking without LinkedIn Premium

Even though many people believe you need a Premium account to grow your LinkedIn profile, that’s not necessarily true. While a Linkedin Premium account offers several advantages, you can network effectively without one if follow a good strategy.

Networking on LinkedIn: An example strategy using Taplio’s lead gen

The main thing you should keep in mind when networking on LinkedIn is that people usually connect with those who share similar interests.
To show people what you’re interested in, follow the three steps we outlined before. Here’s a reminder:
  1. Join industry-specific groups
  1. Follow influential profiles in your industry
  1. Attend industry events
Once you do that, you have access to people who are interested in the same topics as you are. Use Taplio’s Lead Generation tool to:
  • Create lists of people based on their interests and interactions - Users who are members of the same group or event, follow the same influential profile, and so on.
  • Pick a list and send customized LinkedIn messages and connect requests - Instead of sending generic connection requests, send something personal. Something really related to their life, or a moment in life. Here are some examples of what you could do, but please, don’t do it exactly like this, find your own voice there. Here are the examples to reach out to people you’re interested in:
    • “Hi X, I noticed that you’re also a member of the XYZ LinkedIn group / attending XYZ events / following XYZ’s profile. I’m looking to connect with professionals who are interested in XYZ topic and see if there’s a way to support one another.”
This type of connection request works because it shows the other person that you’re interested in similar topics and that you’re not sending a request out of the blue.
Keep in mind that you can only send around 100 connection requests per week. If you go over this limit, LinkedIn’s security feature might flag your account for spamming.

Build a professional support system with LinkedIn

Robert Kiyosaki, entrepreneur and author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” said that “The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work”.
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Writer @ Taplio

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