17 Easy Personal Branding LinkedIn Tips [with Examples]

Learn how to get the best actionable tips and strategies to build your LinkedIn personal brand.

17 Easy Personal Branding LinkedIn Tips [with Examples]
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In this article you will get actionable tips and strategies to build your LinkedIn personal brand.
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17 Easy Personal Branding LinkedIn Tips & Strategies
LinkedIn is a BORING snooze fest…
This is great news for you! Why?
Because by having some personality and unique perspectives — you can DOMINATE on LinkedIn and rapidly grow your personal brand.
YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc…
These are fiercely competitive platforms because there’s an abundance of GREAT content and interesting people. That isn’t the case on LinkedIn.
There’s a drought of interesting people on LinkedIn.
That’s why LinkedIn is the perfect opportunity for you to swoop in and build a strong personal brand.
In this article, you’ll get 17 actionable tips and strategies to build your LinkedIn personal brand. So you can open up new opportunities and make more money.

Benefits of LinkedIn Personal Branding

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If you boil it down…The core benefit of building a strong LinkedIn personal brand is making more money.
LinkedIn is an insanely lucrative opportunity…
Why? Because it’s mostly untapped. There’s just not a lot of good content and interesting people on LinkedIn.
Doing this will help you:
✅ Build a die-hard audience
✅ Establish your authority & expertise
✅ Open up more opportunities
Make more money
All of this can be achieved solely by building a strong LinkedIn personal brand. This article will explain exactly how to do just that…
If you want to build a strong LinkedIn personal brand — you have to consistently produce unique, and interesting content. A good way to do it is with Taplio. Search throughout our 3M+ post library and find inspiration for just about any topic and niche. → Try Taplio for Free.

17 Easy Personal Branding LinkedIn Tips & Strategies:

  1. Write a Scroll-Stopping Headline
  1. Upload a Strong, Clear Profile Picture
  1. Write a Persuasive About Section
  1. Create an Eye-Catching Featured Section
  1. Link to Your Website at the Top of Your Profile
  1. Spend 1 Hour Engaging Every day
  1. Focus on Building Strong Relationships
  1. Post Content That Doesn’t Suck
  1. Leave More Comments
  1. Avoid Growth Hacks Like the Plague
  1. Hire a Designer to Create a Beautiful Banner
  1. Take Risks & Don’t be Boring
  1. Write a Text Post Every day
  1. Don’t Take LinkedIn Too Seriously
  1. Create a Personalized Profile Video
  1. Find Like-Minded People
  1. Stay Consistent & Don’t Give Up

1. Write a Scroll-Stopping Headline

Here’s the truth:
Your Personal brand on LinkedIn doesn’t matter — if people aren’t viewing your LinkedIn profile…
That’s why you need a scroll-stopping headline, that grabs attention and helps the right people find your profile.
Here’s how to write a scroll-stopping headline:
The first part of your LinkedIn headline should hook the reader, making them want to want to keep reading…
Then — the rest of your headline should explain:
  1. What you do (your product/services)
  1. Who you do it for (your target audience)
  1. Why it matters (how it benefits your target audience)
Here’s an example LinkedIn headline:
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Also, make sure your headline includes keywords that are relevant to your business, industry, and profession. This way, your profile will appear in more searches — helping you connect with the people who need you the most.
P.S.: Keep your LinkedIn headline under 220 characters.

2. Upload a Strong, Clear Profile Picture

Having a bad LinkedIn profile picture — is like going to a networking event wearing an oversized, ripped t-shirt, covered in dirt.
A bad LinkedIn profile picture will erode trust, lower your status, and diminish your overall image.
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5 tips for a strong LinkedIn profile picture:

Find great lighting
✅ Make sure your face takes up 60% of the frame
✅ Avoid overwhelming backgrounds
✅ Use a high-resolution image
✅ Say cheese! (Smile)
Also, if you can afford it — hire a professional photographer to help you take the best pictures.

3. Write a Persuasive About Section

Most people get this part completely wrong…
Your LinkedIn About section is NOT:
  • Your entire life story
  • You bragging about your achievements
  • A boring summary of your work history
Your about section should focus on what YOU can do for OTHER people.
Here’s how to structure your LinkedIn about section:
1. Hook + Pattern Interrupt
A pattern interrupt is something that goes against the reader's expectations. It’s something that catches them off guard and intrigues them into continuing to read. Use a pattern interrupt in your initial hook.
2. Describe Problem (Pain Points)
After hooking the reader — you want to empathize with their problem and pain points.You do this by accurately describing how their problem impacts their life. For example, if you’re a dentist, talk about how they can’t eat their favorite foods without pain. Doing this will make the reader feel like you actually understand their challenges.
3. Create Desire
After empathizing with their current pain — paint a picture of their future, pain-free life(after working with you).
For example: If you’re a dentist, talk about how they’ll be able to eat their favorite foods, without pain. Or smile in pictures, without feeling insecure.
4. Explain Solution (Features + Benefits)
Once you’ve empathized with their pain and painted a picture of their life without that pain… Explain HOW you alleviate their pain.
This is where you go in-depth about the features and benefits of your offer. You should lead with the benefits of your offer — and then explain HOW the features help achieve those benefits.
5. Build Credibility (Social Proof + Results)
This section is pretty straightforward. This is where you want to back up your claims with social proof. Include things like testimonials, case studies, reviews, etc…
This way they’ll be excited about their new life — and confident you can help them get there.
6. Call-to-Action
Finally — you want to include a call to action.
This is where you’ll want to entice people to take action. For example: Scheduling a meeting, sending you a DM, or requesting more information.
Don’t neglect your LinkedIn Featured section…
Why? Because your featured section is some of the most prime real estate on your LinkedIn profile.
Here’s an example featured section:
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Your featured section makes it easy to link to websites, videos, posts, images, etc…
But here’s the problem:
Most people tend to just showcase their top-performing LinkedIn posts.  Don’t do this.
You want to be very strategic with your featured section.
Think about your personal branding goals — and figure out the best thing you can showcase to further your goals.
What to include in your LinkedIn featured section:
  • An entertaining intro/sales video with a thumbnail
  • A link to your website with an eye-catching image
  • Testimonials/case studies/social proof
  • A link for people to schedule a call with you
Only pick 1-2 of these elements, as too many will clutter your featured section and make it overwhelming.
Want to drive more traffic to your personal brand website?
Make sure you include your website’s link at the top of your profile.
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Doing this will make it super easy for people to visit your website.
(Since they don’t have to go digging for the link.)
However, there’s a catch…If you want to include a link at the top of your profile — you’ll have to turn on creator mode. Here’s how:

Step 1: Go to your profile. Scroll down to “Resources”. Click “Creator Mode: Off”

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Step 2: Click the “pencil” icon under your banner

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6. Spend One Hour Engaging Every day

Don’t be selfish…
If you want people to like and comment on YOUR LinkedIn posts — YOU have to do the same to other people’s posts.
It’s critical you spend at least one hour every day, commenting and engaging on other people’s posts.
Engaging on LinkedIn every day can help you:
  • Start more conversations
  • Build more relationships
  • Open up new opportunities
It’s often overlooked —  but consistently engaging on LinkedIn is one of the most important parts of building your personal brand.

7. Focus on Building Strong Relationships

If you want to build a strong personal brand on LinkedIn…
You need to be actively building relationships.
Here’s a great way to build strong relationships:
  1. Connect with interesting people.
  1. Consistently leave comments on their posts.
  1. DM them and start a casual conversation.
  1. Ask to hop on a call once they’ve warmed up to you.
It’s really that easy.
Just make sure you’re letting your personality shine. Often, people become boring, vanilla versions of themselves because they’re trying to be “professional”.
Don’t do this.
Watering down your personality will kill your personal brand.
It’s cliche — but genuinely, be yourself.

8. Post Content That Doesn’t Suck

99% of content on LinkedIn is boring and bland.
This is great news!
Why? Because by making content that doesn’t suck, content that’s entertaining AND educational — you can explode your LinkedIn profile.
You’ll want to create content that solves the problems of your target audience. But don’t stop there…
Make your content educational AND entertaining, while also showing your personality. The goal is to position yourself as an authority, while also showing your authentic self.
Taplio is a great tool to help with this. Taplio spoon-feeds endless viral LinkedIn content from your niche. So you’ll never run out of great content ideas again.

9. Leave More Comments

LinkedIn is just a huge 24/7 networking event.
That’s why you should be consistently DMing people to start conversations…
But here’s the problem:
People don’t know you.
So before reaching out to people via DM, you’ll want to warm them up to you by consistently commenting on their posts.
But you can’t just comment nonsense — you need to comment something thoughtful, insightful, or funny. Not just some generic comment like: “Nice post!”

10. Avoid Growth Hacks Like the Plague

There are only two ways to grow your personal brand on LinkedIn:
  • Create amazing content
  • Network endlessly
Engagement pods, “Networking” posts asking you to comment on what you do, and any other shortcuts to rapid growth will NOT work.
They’ll only make you appear more successful, to people who don’t understand the platform.
That’s not how you drive business.
If you want to make more money from your LinkedIn, there are no shortcuts or hacks. Only hard work and consistency.

11. Hire a Designer to Create a Beautiful Banner

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If you are not a full-time designer…
DO NOT design your own LinkedIn banner.
Why? Because it most likely won’t look great to other people. Hurting your personal brand and diminishing your image.
Instead, seek out a skilled, professional designer to create your LinkedIn banner for you. This way you’ll get a beautiful-looking banner, without having to stress over the design yourself.
Think of it as an investment in your personal brand.

12. Take Risks & Don’t be Boring

Most people are TERRIFIED of taking risks on LinkedIn…
Why? Because most people think of LinkedIn as a “professional” platform.
And while there’s some truth to that — it doesn’t mean you should completely water down your personality to avoid potentially “offending” someone.
You HAVE to take risks and push boundaries.
Or else, you run the risk of getting ignored. And that’s the worst possible outcome if your goal is building your LinkedIn personal brand.
Remember: NOT taking risks is the biggest risk you can take.

13. Write a Text Post Every Single Day

If you want to grow your LinkedIn personal brand…
You need to show up every single day.
You should aim for at least one text post every day.
This might be easy at first — but one of the most common challenges LinkedIn creators face is coming up with new content ideas.
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Luckily, Taplio solves this problem by spoon-feeding viral content from your niche. This way, you’ll never feel stressed trying to come up with last-minute post ideas.
✅ Instantly Find Viral Posts for Inspiration
✅ Grow Faster by Optimizing Your Content With AI
✅ Never Run Out of Content Ideas Again
The best part? Taplio is 100% free for your first month.

14. Don’t Take LinkedIn Too Seriously

This mistake will ruin your LinkedIn personal brand…
People tend to think of LinkedIn as a “professional” platform, and while there’s some truth to that — most people think being “professional” means being a boring stick-in-the-mud with no personality.
That couldn’t be further from the truth.
If you want to build a strong personal brand, you HAVE to let your personality shine. You HAVE to show people the real you, or else you’ll come off as inauthentic.
So make sure you don’t take LinkedIn too seriously.
Be casual with your interactions.
And treat it just like any other social media platform.
Because that’s all it really is…Just another social media platform.

15. Create a Personalized LinkedIn Profile Video

The best personal branding has layers…That’s why you need more than a LinkedIn profile picture.
You also need a personalized profile video.
Example LinkedIn profile video
Example LinkedIn profile video
Why? Because a personalized video profile video can help you:
  • Build stronger trust
  • Grow your follower count
  • Entice people to learn more about you
Here’s how to create a personalized video profile intro:

Step 1: Tap your profile picture on your phone

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Step 2: Tap “Add profile video”. Then film or upload your personalized profile video

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16. Find Like-Minded People

Here’s the brutal truth:
LinkedIn is FULL of mind-numbingly boring people, who simply use LinkedIn to brag about their achievements.
I don’t know about you…But I like to stay far, far away from those people.
Instead, I search for people who I just “click” with.
It makes using the platform a lot more enjoyable. And it makes it easier to be yourself. Since you don’t feel like you have to change to fit in.
The lesson? Don’t change for LinkedIn, instead, make LinkedIn change for YOU.

17. Stay Consistent & Don’t Give Up

Here’s the #1 reason people fail on LinkedIn…THEY GIVE UP.
You’re not going to be famous overnight. You’re not going to have 1 million followers in 3 months…You might not even make any money for the first 2-3 months.
But that doesn’t mean you should quit.
It takes time to build a strong LinkedIn personal brand. But if you give up and quit after 3 months — you’ll be GUARANTEED to fail.
This might sound cliche… But NEVER give up.
Stay consistent and you WILL see results.

BONUS TIP: How to Find Endless Viral LinkedIn Post Ideas Using Taplio

The hardest part about LinkedIn personal branding is coming up with fresh, new content — consistently.
The thought: “What should I post?”
Will become the bane of your existence…
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
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Luckily, Taplio solves this problem by spoon-feeding viral content from your niche. This way, you’ll never feel stressed trying to come up with last-minute post ideas.
✅ Instantly Find Viral Posts for Inspiration
✅ Grow Faster by Optimizing Your Content With AI
✅ Never Run Out of Content Ideas Again
The best part? Taplio is 100% free for your first month.

Build your Personal Brand.

Only 10 minutes a day.

👉 Try Taplio for free!
Luke Matthews

Written by

Luke Matthews

LinkedIn expert & writer @Taplio

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