Mastering Team Growth on LinkedIn: Expert Tips

Learn how important is for your team to have a powerful Linkedin presence that will help your company grow.

Mastering Team Growth on LinkedIn: Expert Tips
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Learn how important is for your team to have a powerful Linkedin presence that will help your company grow.
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Mastering Team Growth on LinkedIn: Expert Tips
Once you have a team of salespeople, recruiters, or employees, you must consider LinkedIn as a marketing tool for them.
You multiply your chances of finding your dream client on LinkedIn when you set up your team on the platform.
Your team members can connect with potential clients and generate qualified leads on LinkedIn. Hence, they must grow on LinkedIn because their growth translates to the growth of your business.
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How Does Your Business Benefit When Your Team Grows on LinkedIn?

When you help your team to grow on LinkedIn, these are some benefits your business will gain:

1. Increases credibility for your business

People want to interact and do business with real people, not faceless entities. It's easier for people to perceive your company as a real business when your employees have active LinkedIn accounts and list it as their employer.

2. Humanizes your brand

Employees love to share their achievements, challenges, and highlights of their day-to-day activities on their profiles. When outsiders get these behind-the-scenes views of your brand, they become emotionally attached to your business.

3. Your employees become media ambassadors for your business

When you post content on your company profile, your employees on LinkedIn can share and engage with your posts. They can also discuss your company's products, services, or culture in their posts to boost brand awareness.

4. Boosts your visibility

When employees share, like, and comment on your posts, these posts become visible to their network. Your brand will get the attention of people you could never reach with your posts alone.
Potential business partners can easily find you as your content reaches a wider audience.

5. Increases your sales

More visibility and credibility naturally translate to more sales for your business. When your team members recommend your products or services to their audience, it opens the door to new clients.

6. Your company becomes attractive to employees

On LinkedIn, your employees can talk about your company's culture, strengths, achievements, affiliations, and goals. These actions raise your brand's value in the eyes of potential employees.

Why You and Your Team Should Use LinkedIn

Setting up active LinkedIn profiles for you and your team helps your business
  • Bypass its company page limitations
  • Boost the company branding

You overcome LinkedIn company page limitations

A company page has its limitations. For example, you can't connect with other users using a company page, and you can't send private messages to other users.
But your team members can message and connect with prospects from their profiles to build relationships.

Your employees can list you as their employer

When team members list your company as their employer on their profiles, they drive traffic to your company page, which drives traffic to your website or landing page.
Jobseekers can identify a team member as your employee based on the employer information on their profile. These potential employees can connect with them to gain information about the company.
Your employees can use that chance to highlight the values and culture of your brand, and that's more effective than any job ad you'll ever place.
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How Can You Help Your Team Grow on LinkedIn?

Play a part in your team's LinkedIn growth by
  • Showing them off in your posts
  • Teaching them the LinkedIn growth hacks
  • Automating their repeated tasks
  • Providing feedback on their profile

Feature them in your posts

Mention your employees in your posts to boost their ego and profile visibility. Let your audience know how much impact they're making. Show off your employees' achievements and awards.
For example, Litmus mentioned their Email Design & Production Specialist in their LinkedIn post, showcasing her as an industry expert.
These gestures will showcase your employees as experts in their industry, making your audience more likely to check out their profiles and connect with them.
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Teach them the LinkedIn growth hacks

Teach your team members to
  • Post content daily
  • Exhaust all their connections monthly

Automate their repeated tasks with Taplio

Your employees can spend hours every day creating and publishing content on LinkedIn. Save their time by automating their posts or content creation with Taplio.
This powerful LinkedIn automation tool can schedule their posts and provide powerful content ideas.

Your Business Grows When Your Team Grows

When your team members have established profiles on LinkedIn, they become your brand ambassadors. They spread your brand message, expand your network and attract potential clients.
Combine the power of your LinkedIn company page and your employees' personal profiles to boost your business's visibility, credibility, and conversion rate.
Do you need more tools to grow on Linkedin? Taplio has many resources, tools, and ideas to help you achieve bigger goals. 👉 Try Taplio free right now!

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Writer @ Taplio

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