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Pooja Bais's Linkedin Analytics

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Pooja Bais

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With over 10 years of experience in learning design, curriculum development, and multimedia production, I am passionate about creating visually compelling and interactive learning experiences that engage audiences. I actively gather requirements from subject matter experts (SMEs) to define learning needs, establish consensus on objectives that align with learner outcomes, and swiftly deliver impactful results by implementing programs with agile project management. Skilled in translating complex technical information into simplified concepts that resonate with diverse audiences. Passionate about incorporating innovative technologies like AI, AR, and generative models to modernize learning modalities and experiences. Notable achievements include spearheading digital transformation initiatives, designing subscription-based training products, and boosting sales and revenue through high-impact learning solutions. Excited to bring hands-on experience designing and delivering training in virtual, web-based, and blended formats to reimagining learning.

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