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Shivanshi Bhatia

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82% of Customer Success Professionals recommend Customer Success as a profession, despite that, a staggering 42% of companies still navigate without a dedicated Customer Success Tool, relying on spreadsheets instead. This paradox is not lost on us at ViaSuccess, where we're committed to turning the tide. With ViaSuccess I am on a mission not just to innovate but to inspire. My mantra? Stand out, don't just blend in. I quote too much (I mean it because I even got it tattooed) from the Sanskrit symbol "Breathe," a beautiful reminder to do things that come naturally. My entrepreneurial journey is a tapestry of passion and purpose. From launching Tiska on Wooplr in 2016 to weaving narratives as a freelance copywriter, I've always been driven by a love for creation and connection. ViaSuccess is my latest canvas, where I merge my expertise in SaaS, customer success, and marketing to paint a picture of sustainable growth for companies and their cherished customers. I founded ViaSuccess to address a gap I saw firsthand: brilliant SaaS teams hindered by patchwork solutions. ViaSuccess is the bridge over that gap, a place where strategy and technology meet to create seamless customer journeys and where customer success teams find their stride, turning users into advocates and churn into a thing of the past. Beyond business, I am a storyteller, a thinker, and an eternal optimist. Whether through the written word or the solutions I craft, I am all about making connections that matter and stories that resonate. When I'm not deep in strategy sessions or championing customer success, you'll find me exploring the power of digital omnichannel experiences to elevate brands to sensation status. And if you're ready to see what ViaSuccess can do for you, why not start with our 15-day free trial? https://viasuccess.io/sign-up/ Here's to making every breath count in business and beyond!

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