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A Digital Marketing Specialist, taking care of Social Media, Content Management, and Search Engine Optimization, and also helping with Brand building, Partnerships, and Growth Marketing. When I was 21, I ran my first Full Marathon (41.2 Kms). Not metaphorically—I literally covered my first and longest run in my life. While I was running, I thought about quitting approximately 5,000 times. (And that’s a lowball estimate.) But despite the high-density sunlight, less practice, mental and physical fatigue, and healthy snacks overdose, I kept going. I’m that person. Once I say I’ll do something, it will happen. Now, I put that perseverance to work as a Digital Marketer for various clients and also being efficient enough to get into the skin of Digital Marketing Training Programs simultaneously. I don’t have to climb any mountains…but I do have to move them as a Growth Hacker. A Digital Marketer with experience in corporate, start-ups, and freelancing environments. Manage digital marketing campaigns as a digital marketing specialist, in relation to Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, Webinar Marketing, and E-Mail Marketing I’m well-versed with various Digital Marketing Training Programs & Development and Digital Strategies. If you’re interested in grabbing a cup coffee and talking, please send an email my way at [email protected]
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