10 LinkedIn Company Page Best Practices to Build Trust

Create, connect, and implement best practices for maximum impact.

10 LinkedIn Company Page Best Practices to Build Trust
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Maximize your brand's impact with a LinkedIn Company Page. Learn how to create one and implement effective best practices for success.
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LinkedIn Company Page: 10 Best Practices
With your LinkedIn Company Page, you’re building your company’s brand. So, obviously, you want it to stand out, solidify your brand image, and connect with your target audience.
In this guide, we’ll tell you what you need to know about your company page and how to get the most out of it.

Why should you create a LinkedIn company page?

There are over 1 billion users on LinkedIn.
The competition out there is fierce, but you still have the chance to:
  • Establish yourself as a leader in your industry.
  • Find the best talent for your company.
  • Get more visibility.
With these benefits up for grabs, having a LinkedIn Company Page for your business is a no-brainer.

How to create a LinkedIn company page?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a LinkedIn Company Page.
  • Click “Company.”
  • Fill out the form and check the preview section to see how it looks.
  • Add your tagline and upload a logo.
  • Click “Create Page.”
  • On the next page, add your URL, a page description, and location.
  • Add custom buttons, hashtags, and a cover image.
  • Start following relevant pages and inviting connections to your page.
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What makes a good LinkedIn company page?

A LinkedIn Company Page can provide your visitors with information about your company, what it does, and its products and services.
But a good page will go beyond that:
  • Powerful marketing tool to attract your ideal audience
  • build brand awareness
  • sell more
  • establish trust in your company
Another crucial factor in LinkedIn company pages is showing that your company works together seamlessly.
Clients are more likely to trust a company that works together and has a good team feeling than one that is beefing against each other, where every member just tries to stand out alone.

How to manage your LinkedIn company page?

Your work isn’t done once you create your LinkedIn Company Page.
It's only beginning.
  • Create a schedule
Make sure you schedule all posts, in order to stay consistent in content, tone, quality and quantity.
You can use a scheduler to make this task easier and more visible to you and other team members.
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  • Designate a page admin
Rather than everyone posting their own thing, assign the management of the page to one member, so that they can keep track of what’s going on.
Create a content calendar for LinkedIn and encourage your employees to engage with the content posted on your Page.
  • Track your performance
You’ll also need to track your performance through LinkedIn analytics.
This will give you a better idea about who is engaging with your content and the type of content that performs well for your target audience.

10 LinkedIn Company Page Best Practices

Now that we have the basics out of the way, here are ten LinkedIn Company Page bests practices to follow to make the most out of your Page.
Use a professionally designed logo as a profile image for your Page.
The logo should be high-quality and clear. Y
our banner image is equally important because it is the first thing people will see when they visit your page. Make sure your banner and images are the right size for optimal viewing.
Use striking images that match your brand colors, and show your company’s values or personality so visitors know what your company is about even before they read your posts.
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2. Fill out the details with accurate information

It is essential to have your LinkedIn Company Page fully filled out.
Giving your users all the important information will ensure you get more followers. Here are the tabs available on all LinkedIn Company Pages:
  • Home
  • About
  • Products
  • Posts
  • Jobs
  • Life
  • People
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The more information you have about your company, the easy it will be for your target customers and potential employees to discover you on the platform.

3. Write a compelling page description

Your page description is an essential part of your LinkedIn Company Page because it allows you to convey your personality and talk about what your company is all about.
Make it compelling and engaging.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing your page description:
  • Keep it short.
  • Break it down into small paragraphs if needed.
  • Use clear CTAs that let visitors know what to do if they want more information.
  • If you have a careers page, include a link to it.
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4. Post content regularly

An effective best practice for your LinkedIn Company Page is to post consistently. Brands that regularly post on the platform see better engagement and growth.
Check out our guide on how often to post on LinkedIn if you’re unsure about posting frequency.
Create your content calendar in advance and use Taplio to automatically post at the best time on LinkedIn to maximize your reach and visibility on the platform.

5. Be consistent with your branding

A well-branded LinkedIn Company Page will have a cohesive look that combines the right colors and fonts.
Consistent branding increases trust and makes your brand easily recognizable to people. The branding on your LinkedIn Company Page should match those you use on your website.
It should also be consistent across all your posts.
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6. Engage with your audience

Don’t post and ghost.
You also need to engage with your others on LinkedIn to show people the human side of your company. Engage with others’ posts and reply to comments that people have left on your content.
This is another opportunity for your company to showcase its personality. Use a consistent brand voice on the platform and keep things friendly instead of stiff so you don’t come across as robotic.

7. Use a custom CTA button

You can use a custom CTA button on your LinkedIn Company Page to encourage visitors to take the intended action.
This CTA button is located on top of your company page, next to the “Follow” button. Use this to your benefit to direct traffic to your website or a landing page with the right words.
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8. Encourage employees to engage with the Company Page

Engagement is the key to growing your following on LinkedIn.
Increase engagement and growth by encouraging your employees to engage with your LinkedIn Company Page. This will increase the reach and visibility of your posts and help put your company in front of more people.
Employees can like posts, comment on your posts, and even tag your page in the content they post. Reciprocate by engaging with content posted by employees.
Plus, you know we like that team spirit!

9. Add job openings on LinkedIn

Companies with job openings on their LinkedIn Company Pages tend to attract more candidates and followers.
It shows that you are active on the platform and engaged. Additionally, it can also help you find top talent in your industry.
Every time you have a new job posting on your website or a hiring portal, publish it on LinkedIn. Make sure to respond to applications in a timely manner and close the job posting once it has been filled.

10. Use analytics to track your progress

You need to track the results of your efforts if you want to grow your LinkedIn Company Page.
Monitor your page and track key metrics to see if your page is attracting the right people and if the content you are posting is resonating with your target audience.
Track engagement and make adjustments to improve the performance of your page. Engage with those visiting your page to turn them into followers.
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Key takeaways

Managing your company page can be tricky, but if you work as a team and have the right tools, you can really watch your business soar and grow on LinkedIn.
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Christina Miranda

SEO, content creator, and translator

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