Examples of Personal Brand & Statements for LinkedIn

Establish your authority & stand out in your industry with a solid personal brand. Learn how to build it with examples.

Examples of Personal Brand & Statements for LinkedIn
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Learn how building a personal brand can establish you as an authority, nurture loyal followers, and build profitable relationships.
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Personal Branding 101: Statement Examples for a Standout Profile on LinkedIn
You cannot set yourself apart from the stiff competition in your industry if you don't build a personal brand.
A solid personal brand helps you:
  • Establish yourself as an authority in your field
  • Build profitable relationships with your prospects
  • Nurture loyal followers who are willing to buy your offers
A critical tool in your branding toolkit is your personal brand statement. It clarifies your values, offers, and target audience to keep you from going off track.
Another powerful tool is your personal brand story. This helps your prospects relate to your brand and understand your mission.
Today, we’ll show you some of the best personal brand examples to emulate. We’ll also examine some personal brand statements and stories so you can use them as inspiration to create yours.
Ready to start building your personal brand? Head over to Taplio's tools for content inspiration, and more. Try Taplio now!

Examples of a Personal Brand

Gary Vaynerchuk and Tony Robbins are winning big in their industries through personal branding. Let’s see what they do.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vee, as he’s popularly called, is a serial investor and entrepreneur who values process over results. He has written bestsellers, built several businesses, and influenced many entrepreneurs.
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He has been consistent with his content and messaging since launching Wine Library in 1996.
With a solid social media presence, Gary Vee shares his personal brand story with his audience to inspire them, raising his value as a thought leader. He also talks about his wins and losses as an entrepreneur.
Despite his busy schedule, he still engages with his audience on social media to maintain a strong followership.

Tony Robbins

As controversial as he may seem, Tony Robbins proves that consistently providing value to your audience will build long-lasting relationships.
Popularly known for his seminars and self-help books, he is a business strategist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. He established himself as a thought leader in relationships, finance, and personal health using social media.
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On his website, he positions himself as a life coach who helps people set new standards for themselves and be the master of their destinies.

Examples of Personal Brand Statements

Your statement should be clear, memorable, and straight to the point. Think of it as a powerful slogan you want your audience to associate with your brand.

Neil Patel

Neil Patel’s personal brand statement focuses on the pain points of his audience with a big question. Every business leads traffic to grow.
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He further expresses his determination to make businesses succeed and poses a further question, inviting you to grab his offer.
Be creative with your brand statements to evoke a positive reaction from your audience. Find out their pressing need and turn it into a question so their answer can only be a resounding YES.

Austin Belcak

“I teach people how to land amazing jobs without applying online.”
Austin Belcak’s offer is clear and straight to the point. It clearly states
  • Who his brand is for: Job seekers fed up with the hassle of online job applications.
  • What he does for his audience: He teaches them how to get their dream jobs without applying online.
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This personal brand statement suggests that Austin is an expert in the recruitment industry and can use his deep knowledge to help his audience achieve their goals.
He uses a unique approach to job hunting that differentiates him from other career coaches.

Personal Brand Story Examples

Your story doesn’t have to be a long epistle. You can create yours in less than ten sentences as long as your audience can relate to it and it clarifies your goals, expertise, vision, and ideal audience.

Charli Marie

From Charli Marie's personal brand story, you can emulate her strategies to create yours:
  • Show what inspired your brand: Charli Marie explained how her passion for album art drove her to become a designer.
  • Show your expertise: She shared her achievements in the design industry and how they were instrumental to her career success.
  • Highlight what value you provide: She explains how she uses her YouTube channels, podcasts, and books to share her knowledge and experience.
  • State your mission: Charli Marie's mission is to help other designers succeed in their careers.

Mark Manson

Mark starts his story by establishing himself as a self-help expert, highlighting his awards and achievements.
Then, he explains why he’s different from the rest in his industry by showing how his "negative self-help" approach purely contrasts traditional self-help advice.
He ends with clear call-to-actions, which help him gather more leads, followers, and subscribers for his premium products.

Start Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn Now

One of the best platforms for building a personal brand is LinkedIn. The platform helps you showcase your achievements and connect with a qualified audience.
To build your brand on LinkedIn, you must
  • Know your ideal audience
  • Engage with your network
We’ve made a practical guide to help you build your brand on LinkedIn using less than 20 minutes daily.
We also created Taplio, a powerful AI tool for LinkedIn to accelerate your personal brand growth. With this tool, you can create engaging content and build profitable relationships without spending all day on LinkedIn. Matt Tompkins calls it the game-changer. Try Taplio for free today.

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Writer @ Taplio

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