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Aaron Yip

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My life is committed to serving others. 🙏 Humanitarian technologist. Formerly a Silicon Valley executive in software, product, and growth (10+ years), and 4+ years as a humanitarian worker (serving migrants and refugees in 27 countries). Led 50+ staff across both industries from AI research engineers to refugee camp organizers. Highlights of my time in tech: • Led an AR/VR research lab of 20+ PhDs and artists to establish one of the most innovative companies in the world (Houzz, as recognized by Fast Company, CNBC, Google awards, New York Times) • Co-founded and sold AI startup at 24yo, then donated all of my wealth to shelter survivors of abuse • Led software for Y Combinator’s internal lab for affordable housing turned VC-backed startup • Selected as industry partner to advise Google and Apple on AR/VR technologies • Works cited by venture capitalist Mary Meeker as “resulting in 10X+ multiplier for ecommerce” • Designed and launched products to serve over 200 million people • Invited to guest lecture at Stanford University • Accepted into university at 16yo, graduating summa cum laude Honesty from my life: • Grew up on the poverty line in rural Georgia (US) in a tiny town trapped by opioids • Estranged myself from my parents at 16yo, finally found forgiveness 15 years later
 • Worked 3 jobs to pay for university (call center, catering, tutoring) and continued hands-on work through my life • Spent 1st chapter of my life looking for home; committed the rest of my life to creating a better home for others • My greatest dreams are to (1) help work for a kinder world and (2) be an amazing future dad

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