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Abdul Haseeb's Linkedin Analytics

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Abdul Haseeb

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Passionate Electrical Engineering enthusiast with a robust background in Power Systems, Electronics, Programming, and Circuit Designing. Additionally, I also have experience and a proven track record in scaling private label businesses. I am a skilled digital creator with an eye for detail. I'm a flexible professional who can easily mix technical skills with creative thinking. Whether working alone or in a team, I bring great communication and people skills. I strongly believe that technology and startups have the power to make big positive changes. Excited to join impactful projects where technology and innovation meet. I'm looking for opportunities to use my diverse Electrical Engineering skills and grow in the startup world. I want to be part of a company or startup to enhance my electrical engineering expertise. Open to collaborations and connections for new challenges and professional growth. I would genuinely appreciate it if you could reach out to me at [email protected]. Your connection or questions would mean a lot to me. Thank you very much.

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