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Abraham Irhia

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A quick timeline of what I've accomplished ✨ At uni • I did engineering studies and enjoyed problem-solving. • I did student societies and enjoyed fostering experiences. • I did programming and enjoyed front-end (web). At work • I did HVAC design and enjoyed the collaboration (JHA). • I did acoustics and enjoyed learning standards and principles. And now • I’m doing UX/UI design because it is everything I have enjoyed and more! I am 🤩 • A team player through and through; as a member and a lead. • A curious thinker that practices by always asking questions. • A data-driven researcher - finding that gold is key! These are what I do and do well; I create powerful products backed by tangible insights. I also DJ on the side *record scratch* What else makes me, Abe❓ • [A]ctive listener to users and my team. • [B]rainstormer which comes in handy in approaching challenges in a different way. • [E]x-engineer, equipped with technical prowess and a problem-solving skillset. A couple of accomplishments I'd love to mention 🏆 • Successfully presented the final product/services twice to real-world clients through emotional storytelling. • Led 3 ideation workshops directly with users identifying their pain points and clearly communicating goals. • Corresponded with a client through the HCD process through daily video chats and good rapport. I wish to join a company 🧑🏽‍💻 • That has a supportive culture. • Values diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). • With a dynamic team structure that allows continuous learning and collaboration. Please feel free to reach out for a chat or coffee ☕ I can best be contacted by email: [email protected]

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