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Shamsideen Adigun's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Shamsideen Adigun

Shamsideen Adigun

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I am a sales and marketing specialist and a freelance graphic designer with a passion for helping businesses create a cohesive and effective online presence. I am currently pursuing a bachelor of engineering degree in civil engineering from the Federal University of Technology Akure, which has enhanced my analytical and problem-solving skills. With over 5 years of experience in the industry, I have delivered successful projects for clients in a range of industries, using my skills in website design, social media management, and email marketing. I have designed and created unique logos, white papers, and introductory videos, using platforms such as Shopify Plus and Wordpress. I have also created engaging content and compelling email campaigns, using data and analytics to understand user behavior and optimize results. I always strive to exceed my clients' expectations, and I have earned a reputation as a trusted and reliable partner. I am looking forward to connecting with you and discussing how we can work together to achieve your goals.

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