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Aditya Sridharan's Linkedin Analytics

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Aditya Sridharan

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Profile Summary : 13+ years of of customer facing experience in the tech space across multiple job functions – presales, sales / solution engineering, consulting and digital transformation. Experienced SaaS professional with broad expertise across Enterprise B2B products in various domains such as Payments, Core Banking, CRM's(Salesforce, NetSuite), Order to Cash, E-commerce and RF(x) Management solutions. Played a crucial role in successfully scaling the GTM functions of cloud based SaaS startups Led, expanded and delivered annual target goals spanning key markets – NA, EMEA and APAC Holder of B. Tech, MBA degrees from Tier – 1 Universities About Myself : A problem solver and a people’s person at heart who can connect with both tech and business audiences to drive innovation and execution

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