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🔲 Generalist and Multi-Disciplinarian : Lying at the intersection of Biology, Technology and Economics 🔲 Entrepreneur And Investor 🔲 Health and Wellness Consultant I grew up in the First Planned City of India - Jamshedpur, Jharkhand where India's First Steel Plant is located amidst the Tata Ecosystem. Currently it's one of the top most Tier 2 cities in India with the citizens enjoying a high standard of living. My exposure to all the elements of a modern Industrial society hence begins very early in life. It shouldn't be surprising to anyone if my role model in business is Jamsetji Tata, a true icon of compassionate capitalism. 🔲 MY OVERARCHING MUSINGS 🔲 """ All that remained was the scientific specialist, who knew “more and more about less and less,” and the philosophical speculator, who knew less and less about more and more. The specialist put on blinders in order to shut out from his vision all the world but one little spot, to which he glued his nose. Perspective was lost. “Facts” replaced understanding; and knowledge, split into a thousand isolated fragments, no longer generated wisdom. """ WILL DURANT THE STORY OF PHILOSOPHY
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