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Alex Tate

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Outcome-orientated User Experience (UX) advocate, tactician, and people leader with extensive experience delivering engaging and meaningful experiences for consumers, businesses, and communities. Adept at leveraging a diverse background in Team Building, Leadership, Human Factors Engineering, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Project Management, Application Development, as well as Business and Data Analysis across several industries. Apt communicator and engaging collaborator with a successful track record in establishing relationships through partnership with Internal and external Stakeholders, Product and Development teams, End-Users, and Peers. Areas of expertise: User Experience (UX) | User interface (UI) | Project Management | Research | Data Analysis | Human Centered Design Solutions Delivery | Adobe Creative Cloud | Sketch | Figma | InVision | Mural | Communication | Strategic Partnerships | Cross Functional Collaboration | Interdisciplinary Team Building and Leadership | Coaching | Talent Development

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