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Alexandre Chiabai's Linkedin Analytics

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Alexandre Chiabai

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professionnel 🚀 Passionate Entrepreneur (and Growth Hacker) | Founder of Emailee 🌐 | Master's Degree from EM Normandie Business School 🎓 | Expert in Cold Email and B2B Prospecting 📧 | +40 Qualified Appointments / month 💼 Having launched my first company (AGC Paris Events) at the age of 18, I have since developed and strengthened my experience as a Founder and Growth Hacker for 3 other companies (Pop Out, ACommunication, Emailee). Holding a Master's Degree from EM Normandie, I specialized in identifying and leveraging cost-effective acquisition techniques (particularly through Cold Emailing). 📈 At Emailee, we support businesses of all sizes in their commercial growth. Our expertise enables us to generate qualified appointments for you every month! 🎯 🔥 Together, we can double your revenue and secure over 40 qualified appointments per month.

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