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I'm a believer in purpose-driven lifestyle where anything is possible through hard work, clear Vision, impactful Strategy and smart Execution. Dedicated to building trust in societies and solving important problems. Using technology as an enabler of smart business solutions and protector of business assets from cyberthreats, regulatory violations, privacy and newly emerging AI risks. Out-of-the-box thinker with analytical and issue-based problem solving mindset. Highly skilled in team leadership and staff mentoring. Cultivating relationships across different levels of internal and external stakeholders. Helping to achieve strategic and innovative ROI-driven compliance and building effective security programs. I am focusing on technology as a value enabler and see Emerging Technology as a multiplier that can benefit the humanity. Areas of expertise and professional interest include: Artificial Intelligence (AI): Safety / Security / Threat Modeling / Assurance, Governance, Risk Management | Emerging Tech | Threat Modeling | Cybersecurity | Governance, Risk Management, Compliance | Data Privacy | Regulatory and Contract Compliance | Security Frameworks | Third Party Attestations and Certifications (SOC2, PCI, etc.) | Security Due-Diligence | Data Assurance | Emerging Tech | Cloud

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