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Aonnoy Sengupta

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Portfolio- https://aonnoysengupta.com/ A freelance multi-disciplinary designer with a focus on user research, visual & interaction design. My work is not just limited to creating beautiful interfaces for both mobile and the web, but also serving a meaningful purpose behind every pixel. With 8 years of experience in the design industry, I have helped businesses & startups, by digging deep into their core values and helping them achieve their goals- by making profitable designs. In my design process I follow a user-centric approach, called design-thinking. It is where I connect your business goals and actual user needs to find the weak spots. With this approach you not only get pretty pixels, but well thought out, user tested, working design solutions. Thanks to my background study in computer science, it has immensely helped me with working in close collaboration with experienced developer teams. Allowing me to prepare design deliverables in a way that is easy to understand, implement onto the product, and speeds up the developing process. Design allows us to differentiate ourselves by showing attention and care about our customers and users. Everybody values design either consciously or unconsciously. This is why I love creating thoughtful, meaningful and polished experiences, which makes both the creators and customers happy. If you have a web or mobile app project in mind, or just want to chat, feel free to contact me. - [email protected]

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