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Artur Adamczyk

open on linkedin

Why should you collaborate with me? 🎯 I operate effectively when I have a specific GOAL (often set by myself). 💡 I seek innovative solutions outside the beaten paths. 📈 I follow the Pareto principle ❓ I question the established status quo. 🙅‍♂️ I don't blindly follow authorities. ❓ I constantly ask the question - why? 💭 I dedicate more time to contemplating the product than to task execution. 📚 I browse memes during work. 🤔 I surprise others with questions and memes. 🗓️ I avoid crowded schedules. 😄 I have a unique sense of humor and laugh at my own jokes (because no one else does...). 🎯 I learn rules mainly to later challenge them. So if you're looking for efficiency, pragmatism, and someone who will lead the product to success in the market by following a strategy, user feedback, and business goals, then we'll likely find common ground 😉.

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