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【關於獵頭、卓恩、以及我】 獵頭這個產業,人人都能進但不是人人都能留 科技業的更迭、人力市場的變化、國際情勢的轉變,我們掌握了一點【資訊】 有什麼能說什麼要保密,講求的是【正直】 互相合作、各取所需,都基於一個【尊重】 最後,為了經營自己的品牌、擦亮我們公司的招牌,我們講的是【誠信】 如果你在職涯上不嫌多一個夥伴,生活中不嫌棄多一位朋友 那太好了,我也是 希望你可以找我聊聊天 我叫Asen,專門協助科技業大大小小、國內外公司的招募 請多多指教 -------------------- I'm a Hardware talents consultant working for an executive search company in IN Search Management Consultants Co., Ltd. in Taiwan. My expertise including: • Recruiting for the middle-upper level of Engineering talents in technology industry. • Developing recruiting strategies to sourcing, identifying and recruiting qualified candidates to match clients' requirements. • Maintaining ongoing relationships with both clients and candidates to make long-term placements succeed. • Supporting candidates to achieve their career goals through discussing and planning for their career paths. IN Search Management Consultants Co., Ltd is a dedicated platform to help people with their career path by providing professional advice and plan for both clients and candidates. I would love to help people find their new challenge and career, please feel free to contact me if you want to know more market information or want to have better consulting service.

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