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Avery Leveston

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I am a driven, compliant, and diligent cannabis entrepreneur. Excellent communicator and team member, excelling in the ability to understand situations, work collaboratively, and construct new solutions around existing problems. SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES: - Wholesale Manager for Trade Roots - Operations Manager for Society Cannabis Co. Patient Advisor and Production Specialist for Marimed (under ARL Healthcare). - Processing Technician for Parallel (formerly Surterra Wellness). - Strategic Sales Development for LivePerson. - Outbound and inbound sales representative for Lacrosse Masters. Providing contact for potential and current customers. - Laboratory technician for the organic cannabis company Cannatrait. - Production Facility Agent for Alternative Compassion Services providing both efficient and effective solutions. - Outstanding communication while excelling in situational awareness and providing detailed solutions. "Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run him over." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

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