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Binati Sheth

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Like many artists from India, my journey of becoming a writer began after the Engineering degree. Hi there, I am Binati Sheth from Gujarat, India. I am your friendly neighbourhood ghostwriter. No, I don’t write ghost stories. I write other people’s nonfiction books for them. How did I get here? Simple. 💡I love ideas. I am addicted to new ideas. Old ideas, when reworded and reframed, make me tingle. Ideas make life worth living. I wanted to breathe new life into these ideas. I can write. 🧠I love nuance. Context is everything. Each idea and story need a point-of-view. I can make people talk and I can play the devil’s advocate to get that perspective action going. 📚I love books. Reading literally and figurately changed my life. Books are powerful. Writing and publishing a book comes with heavy responsibilities. I can tell you when your draft is ready to be a manuscript. So… 📧If you’ve got ideas but the words are failing you, contact me. 📧If you’ve got book concepts but somehow the book isn’t coming together, contact me. 📧If your book is done and it needs that finishing touch, contact me because I also edit nonfiction books. 📧If you’ve got a book in you and you feel like you can trust me, contact me. It would be an honour to get your story out there, getting the attention it deserves. ☑To contact me, email your requirements at [email protected]. If you’re not sure, just email me a shower thought. If the shoe fits, you will have the best of times. If it doesn’t, you will have more clarity on what you want. On to LinkedIn, I create and seek thought diversity. I have five content creation pillars. If they interest you, give me a follow and ring my bell for post notifications. 1. Business/Work - Writing, Editing, Ghostwriting, Publishing, Productivity, Creativity, Mindfulness 2. Personal - Journaling, Gardening, The writer life, Collaboration, Random thoughts 3. Content Topics - Opinion pieces, Bitter Pills to Swallow, Infographics 4. Reading - Books and all things Literature, Etymology 5. The Writing Catalogue - Everything about my website, Marketing essays and blogs Thank you for reading 💙 Let's Link in on LinkedIn!

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