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Corrales Cachola's Linkedin Analytics

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Stand in your power. Find your purpose and passion and meet others who are doing the same. Connect it to your professional and personal life. Learn fundamentals of storytelling, marketing, customer journeys, community building, and more. All in a relaxed atmosphere — my LinkedIn feed! 
My feed is perfect if you want to learn how to connect your passion and purpose to your business and understand your customers. I’m great for founders, entrepreneurs, agency owners, creatives, storytellers, nonprofits, community builders, and corporate folks working on their side hustles. ABOUT ME
I'm your host, Corrales, the founder of Brand New Voices. I'm a strategic consultant, coach, marketer, and educator dedicated to helping founders, leaders, coaches, consultants, creatives, and marketing experts understand their customers, users, technologies, and products from a human-centric lens. I have a degree in journalism and creative writing, and help my clients understand and implement their brand, marketing, and storytelling in ways that connect with modern consumers who are seeking to align with companies making an impact in the world. I do this using a powerful framework I've designed over the years called Human Marketing. 
I've worked with a wide range of companies and organizations including nonprofits, community banks, high-end jewelry designers, and mission-driven organizations such as the World Health Organization and Special Olympics. I’ve also worked with Fortune 500 brands such as Nike on their employee-facing marketing collateral and communications. More recently, I have worked with startups in emerging tech industries such as Web3 and AI. Reach out to me on DMs if you want to chat about a strategy to get clarity on your mission and vision.

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