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Cathy von Birgelen's Linkedin Analytics

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Expertise and Training in Ecommerce, digital marketing and media. Demonstrated History of championing digital tools and behaviors within business. Experience in building and leading organizations and online communities/groups. Developed & delivered public and custom e-marketing curriculum. Developed business case(s) for marketing investment and return. Developed and launched integrated marketing campaigns. Experience managing employees and contract workers. Consulting and digital marketing strategy experience. Identify needs of entrepreneurial companies in PA, in the functional areas of web-based sales, e-marketing initiatives, and implementation of social media strategies to support and augment traditional modes of promotion and advertising. Provide strategic guidance and mentoring to help business and nonprofits learn how to use the online channel and ecommerce for business growth and sustainable and competitive advantage. Partnering with the EMLC Partner with business groups, universities and economic development agencies to develop and provide training programs. The eMarketing Learning Center (eMLC) is an initiative of the Ben Franklin Technology Partnership program. Specialties: Best Practice training in ecommerce, email marketing, social networks, web design and management, digital media to generate leads, convert and retain customers. To learn more about the eMarketing Learning Center services and training schedules visit our website: http://www.emarketinglearningcenter.org or call 814-898-6547

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