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Business transformation, turnaround and growth consultant. Has many successful projects, acting either as a consultant or in an interim role. Member of the Institute for Turnaround (The IFT) and holds their Practicing Certificate as an accredited expert in turnaround and transformation. 2018 Winner of SME turnaround award and SME Turnaround Professional award. Assists owners, funders, PE and shareholders. Many successful projects. References available. David started as a high voltage engineer, rising quickly to become Group MD of major multinational in the energy sector, Alstom. He performed an MBI in the automotive sector in 2000, and subsequent acquisition of an ailing much larger competitor, before successfully exiting. Now sharing his wealth of experience and expertise with SME owners, managers and investors to: - Successfully transforms and turns around, struggling and under-performing businesses - Deliver clarity and focus to deliver real growth, perhaps previously unfulfilled - Assist MBO and acquisition teams to correctly assess targets, and achieve their aims. - Perform commercial and operational Due Diligence for investors - Show project companies how to avoid profit erosion due to " project scope creep" - Provide Interim Management and/or long term commitment as a Non-Exec Director. - Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the IET - See website for case studies and testimonials.
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