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Currently, I am the Assistant Director for Graduate and Employer Relations with the Business Career Center. I dedicate my efforts to fostering the employability of Smeal graduate students, encompassing MBA and specialized Master’s programs. My responsibilities extend to providing hands-on consultations to the conglomerate Graduate Corporate Partner companies. Additionally, I focus on initiatives in new international business development, coupled with targeted expansion within niche sectors. Before joining Smeal, I held the position of Pathway Director at a coding bootcamp renowned for its comprehensive approach to guiding cohorts of 65+ students, per iteration, towards securing lucrative roles within the tech industry. I coached adult learners participating in the National Live Remote Program, imparting invaluable guidance on discerning strengths, curating impactful resumes, mastering interview techniques, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, and the intricate art of networking. I helped to nurture relationships with a vast network of 800+ hiring partners for company panels and matchmaking hiring events. My background expands into sales as I have worked for New Pig Corporation and Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Aside from my professional career, I enjoy working on my entrepreneurial venture “Ollie’s Heart”, an art business. I am also pursuing my certification through the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy. Skilled in utilizing LinkedIn Sales Navigator, CRM tools (Zoho, Salesforce), and social media platforms to drive results. Experienced in career counseling, resume writing, and interview preparation.

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