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I'm dedicated to the ideal that fulfilling, long-term success stems not from ruthless self-interest but propelling others towards greatness. The practice of helping people, both colleagues and clients, to achieve more than they thought possible, has shaped my career. After spending over a decade in commercial/strategic roles at SaaS companies of all shapes and sizes, I now help others pursue greatness in two ways: 1) I co-founded Clevenue with my friend Alex. A platform that enables revenue leaders to chart the right course to scale by engineering growth strategies rather than fudging their numbers. 2) I consult with founders of early-stage SaaS start-ups and guide their approach to Go-to-Market, Sales and Growth. Specialist in: Analytics, eCommerce, Martech/Adtech If you’re interested in what we’re doing at Clevenue or you’ve a consulting project to discuss, get in touch.
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