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Steve Curry

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Stephen (Steve) Curry spent a 20 plus year career in the technology industry, experiences which included time as a Business Unit Executive at IBM responsible for driving revenue of IBM Object and Flash Storage Solutions throughout North America. Steve also acted as the VP of Sales for North America at Violin Memory, a start up company which pioneered one of the original All Flash Arrays. Steve spent his early technology sales career at NetApp and Sun Microsystems. Steve recently earned a Master of Science (M.S.) degree with a concentration in Sports Administration from Boston College, earning distinction by being given The Woods College Award for leadership and service. Steve also spent the 2021 season of his graduate program with the Boston College Football team as a football strength and conditioning coach. Currently, Steve is a Strength & Conditioning and Football coach at the Dexter Southfield upper school, in Brookline, MA. His mid-career pivot is one which combines his passion for athletics and football with his desire to help student athletes excel on the field, in the classroom and in life. Along with his duties at Dexter Southfield, Steve continues to mentor collegiate athletes in a one on one capacity. Specifically working with Villanova University and Boston College, as well as helping place his high school student athletes in colleges and universities around the country. Steve is a graduate of Villanova University (99’) with a business degree in Management Information Systems and Marketing. He led the Villanova football team as a starting linebacker and Academic All-Conference athlete. Steve has acted as New England Chapter President for the Villanova University Alumni group and Steve and his wife Sarah Winchester are high level donors of the Unitas program at Villanova University which supports underrepresented Villanova athletes in life skills to help prepare them for the future. Along with his wife, Steve has volunteered as a SCUBA diver for the New England Aquarium going on research trips to the Bahamas. They are currently corporation board members of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Steve has completed four Boston Marathons. He currently resides in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts with his wife Sarah Winchester, daughter (11) and son (8).

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