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Deepsundar (Deep) Chowdhury (Parijat)'s Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Deepsundar (Deep) Chowdhury (Parijat)

Deepsundar (Deep) Chowdhury (Parijat)

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Deep, a seasoned industry expert, highlights 23+ years of diverse services industry experience. His career commenced in ITES, excelling in Call Centers and BPMs for seven years before transitioning to Technology Consulting & Services sector accelerating startups, propelling them to scaleups. Serving global clients across the world Deep holds a profound understanding of international markets and business practices. Deep's achievements are exemplary. He masterminded the transformation of an IT Hardware service firm into a comprehensive Training, Staffing, and Software Service divisions, achieving a staggering 13x revenue growth over eight and half years, culminating in an acquisition worth eight figures in USD. Additionally, his expertise in building strategic partnerships facilitated the global expansion and revenue growth of three Technology Consulting companies across multiple countries in a brief one and half year timeframe for each venture. Furthermore, Deep's sales acceleration prowess enabled an IT Ecommerce services company to secure the prestigious title of the top service provider in the Ecommerce sector within just four months. Exploring common interest areas. Discovering possibilities of synergies. I would like to engage with companies who do not look at my profile as just another salesman. If you think beyond we are game together. #digitaltransformation #branding #advertising #marketing #engineering #staffing #partnerships #venturebuilder #openinnovation Deep is just a click away 😀

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