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Dipanjan Sengupta

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SALES ~ BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ~ RETAIL MANAGEMENT ~ DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT • A competent professional with 15 years’ experience in Retail Sales, Business Development, Marketing, Branding, Store Management, People Management, and so on • Excellent business development & management skills involving designing & implementing successful sales & marketing strategies for Telecom, Jewelry, Apparels and many other products across East and North East India. • Expertise in supervising entire merchandise for retail stores and performing product planning according to the season, launching new stores, devising SOPs for operations • Track record of conceptualizing visual merchandising displays, windows & design of retail outlets; monitoring stores’ performance to identify gaps between expected & actual performance • Excellence in all aspects of product marketing including product enhancements & positioning, competitive analysis, and demand forecast • Key focus on managing the design and execution of primary and secondary research, internal data collation, market and competitor analyses to successfully guide and influence sales and marketing decisions • A strategist cum implementer with recognized proficiency in spearheading business to accomplish corporate plans and goals

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