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DIPOK ROY (Digital Marketing Specialist)'s Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of DIPOK ROY (Digital Marketing Specialist)

DIPOK ROY (Digital Marketing Specialist)

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Requiring a virtual entertainment chief and director partner? I can help you with that! I'm adaptable and splendid. Ready to work with improvement to convey shocking outcomes and can work with social events. I spent my entry level circumstance as a Customer Service Representative in a Business process outsourcing (BPO) affiliation that cooks US-based clients. My work liabilities combines the readiness of month to month monetary reports and noticing the state of the art associations. I was likewise a Part-Time Instructor to rookies understudies overseeing Management subjects. I'm expecting work with you and help your business with making! For questions, email me at [email protected]. WhatsApp no. +8801768700406

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