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Domenico D.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Domenico D.

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I specialise in growing brands with the power of design and storytelling. My experience spans from agency consulting to leading in-house global creative teams, and I bring a wealth of knowledge when it comes to: 🎨 Brand strategy & design 🧠 Creative direction across integrated marketing & advertising campaigns 🎬 Crafting engaging narratives with motion and video 💙 Leading teams and creating meaningful connections I’ve had the opportunity to partner with brands like AGL, Pizza Hut, Qantas, Ebay and Uber to name a few. Whether building a brand from scratch or taking it to the next level, my involvement begins with creative strategy through to execution —creating engaging content that connects with people and drives results. If you need help to articulate, explain or promote your service/product, I’d love to hear from you.

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